The definite rejection of the Guam proposai, and the overwhelming, practicailyj unanimous, acceptance of the, eleven. other -proposais for mncreasing, and developing our navral bases and facilities .is, I b «elieve, a clear indiceation of the prevailing sentiment i the House of Represen- tatives. ,It indicates as ciearlyr as anything .possibly' could that the Conigress, regardiess, of politicai parties, is ready to, support. any proposai shown to be essentiai for a strong national, defense; but it; is opposed to any proposai for extend- ing the defense into foreigni waters beyond the area ýof the Western Hlemisphere. WoIId Avold Conflicts In other words, if one were, asked for 'a summanry interprétation 'or expianation of the action takven by the House on the Naval De! ense Bil, rejecting Guam but overwhelm- ingly aecepting ail the other items, I think he would say this: the House is -definitely in favor of à strong national defense and equafly as def- initeiy opposed to anything that may unnecessarily mnvolve us in foreign conilicts. VZLL vu iy nazardoug. undcertalctng, particularly inasmuch as it was not, shown to be neces sary for our national defense, Is it hecessary for an impregnabie defense that fiv7e:million dollars be spent on the naval harbor at:Guam'? That., it seems to me, was theý con- troiling- question in the mind of every member of Congress.> If it Were cleariy shown ,to be necessary, the Congress probably wouid. ap-, prove it even though there may be, hazards. But when Admirai A. J, Hepburnseior.mmber of the Na-' val Board that made the Guam rec- ommnendation, testified before the Committee on. Naval Affairs he stated that this proposai was not The admirai aiso mad e it elear to the conmmîttee, in response to ques- tions from the members, that the Naval Board did not give any con- sideration to intern~ational repercus- sions or diplomnatie difficuities that might resuit from the Guam recom- mendation. He said that was for the "politicai powers" to decide and MY9 41 2 Sales Daýily---'2 p.m. and 7:30 p.wn.ý J. D. WELCHER Aucuoee 1 -e YOUR. SUNDAY 90C Sumdoy. March 5. 191 14... .s 830 p.. to oe . considereda arebuffofth ot c itiesL" nULw Uelflg.playe< i Presiderit,' unlesa he should un- 1ïar East and Europe.We fortunately consider it such. As the the hazards~ and rîsks to our ranking minority~ member of the against the possible defense Committee on Naval Affairs ini op- tÎts, the House rejected thei position to the Guam project, I arn item by striking it trom the bi able to sayý, somewhat authoritative- Why, said the Bouse, shouj ly, that special care was exercised take ail mhe risks invoived lig we thé Fresh Grapefruit, Read Lettuce Salad, Chiftonade or1 Cottage Cheese i trdenPeies Creatu