startling findings' reported by Col. A. D. Tuttie,' medical director of. Uniited 'Air Lines, whà last week com- pleted what is said to be the world's flrst study of, air, travel:,effeets on the comfort of transport plane pas- sengers. "4Represeniting an exam ination of, the ,records of 261,,370 passengers carried on United planes during the past year, the study showed that :onjly .59 per cent of passengers, or only one-haîf of one per cent, suifer- ed discomfort of any kind, inicluding nervousness," Col. Tuttle stated. -Only three passengers in a thou- sand were troubled with air-siekness,- a rate* not orily much lower than that applying to sea-siclkness, but one comparmng favorably with sur- faces frasportat1ûn, n'etordtng comparisons made by Tuttle with National Safety council statisties. The study conducted by Colonel Tuttle, for four years commandant of the Army Sehool of Aviation Medi- cine at Randolph Field before com- lng to United Air Lines i 1937, covers a twelve-month period to provide a~ complete year's report for an average. ern unlversitY uchool of speech ln di- recting9 the production, wlth the as-, sistance of Hildren DeWit, student director.: Members of the: c ast of the play, whlch was written "by James Reach and produced originally by Samuel French, are Helen Waitkins o! Chi- cago; Margaret lCnight, Wheatoný; BettyYogIË, ]Elgin; Amne Padavie, Toluca, fI.; Alice Vilmann, Racine, Wis.; Jean. P a r s o n s, Hastings, Nebr.; Catherine Coon, Van Horne, Iowa; Margaret Fra9nz, Weathers-- ford, Oka.;,* Louise Baxter, Mem- phis, Tenn., Alice Seward, Mount Ayre, Ind.; and- Margaret Mitchell, Knignt, propi costumes; lM tickets;. and manager. Revenue Passenger lExpressMail miles P6unds Pountis Jaftuary, 1939 ..6,126,671 150,202 495.9U0 January, 1938. ..4,732,410 142.346 492,<0 December, 1939 6,882,080 19.,848 542,307 F]IATEERNITY INITIATE Joseph Graf; son of Mr, and Mts. J. W. Graf, 415 Ninth street, Wil-ý mette, *was recently initiated into the Beloit college chapter of the, Sigma Chi fraternity. He is a mem-ý ber ofthe freshman class. b- ~ ~q -r rr r rr r Leuve the CliNdren with uas whiI. you ère mwey. Fo a night. week-end or a monlh ort w. W. cm. transportt i shool ncow afetImd lng. Also--Pre-sol.enmd Aft.p*Iwhol Clubs. Swlrmig, rdding end dancing. @UTDOOI IUCIEATION OCHOOL (CAMP SMOUtEWOOD) .822 Michigan Av, 1211, ym. MisShaper, Wilmuelt. 676 ret iHo Ditzen, B.OKEAN membi rencei privileges irn the ears of pa ascents and descent, vealed that only ,1 passengers underwq fort. This can bé' company policy of 261,370 ciscom- 1to the ng the Mrs. G. R. Kendall, 424 Sheridan >ad, Kenllworth, and lier sister -in- w, Mrs. Claude' P. Kendall, 225 Incoin drive, Glencoe, are expected M. R. »iie within a week or a few.. ,I Univrskty 2 ,ni Beach. 1506 Sherus. Av...