"Nobody'sBoy" is the story of a limte. French orphan boy, named Remi, who, becomes a wandering minstrel and earns a meagre; livling- by4-layiîng-his violin. His mnany ad-, ventures are shared, with. a monkey, and a performiing dogA. I the course of Remi's travels, he dis coversthat he isn't really an orphan, but that Ia mother is a wealthy English lady who takes hlm home with her. The part of Remni in the production' will be. played by Merton E' . Sprague, who lu a gifted concert. vloliniist and had several years on the concert stage Ii _Newv England before joining the Clare Tree Major players. western camppus, and. at Chandler's, the Co-op, and Tommy Airth's i Evanston. No n its; third week of reheart- sais, the, show lu, rapidly rounding- into shape. The cast for -the produc- tion, which was released this week, is as follows: 'the Cast Theatre' Manager ...i..Robert W. Stone Dr. Auguétus M. Bigfella . . .... ..Arthur M. Ford Ann Rollis........Dorothy *Kell Lulu Webb......Marjorie Saul Dee McGraw.....Mardel .errick Kate Mason.......Kay Sizer Jim Stone.........bs Bailey Pete Craven ........ ..Kelsey Pharr Patricla Lee.... ..... Julie Pltch.tord Courtniey G. Smit ... Franklin Peddie Bob Lombard ........ Robert P. Owens Dan Sanders ........ Kenny L,. Graham D9ctor .............. Robert W. Son ervi ions: for ticketsi riversity.. 6300. L Phone res- be received Richard Wightson to Be Soloitat Giurch, Ini a Lenten concert. to be held at the Immanuel Lutheran church, Sherman avenue and Lake street, Evanston, Friday evening, March 10, Richard Wrightson of Wilmette, baritone, will sing several songs i keeping with the season On' the pro-. gram wilU also be organ solos and numbers by the choir of the church. mates and parents with a Purim playý called "Up Haman's *Sleeve" presented under the direction of Mrs. Lou's> Sigel. A musical programi is also . being planned, to- be followed by dancing, games,. refreshments and prizes 'for the best and most appropriate costumes. Although ,the school will.not meet' on- the morning. of March 5, the regular adult service wi.ll bé hed as, usual at 11 o'clock. For is sermon on March 5, Rabbi Charles E. Shul- man has chosen the title "W#orlds Without. Pity." ".As 'the aggressor nations of Eu- rope and Asia continue their ruthless sweep toward empire," reads an an- nOunement. "thev create e his sermon this of means to end e homeless and only crime is or Christians or als or loyers of *"Christ Jesus" was lte' subject of the lessoei-sermon i aU Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, Teb- ruary 26. The golden text was, "Let thec word of Christ dweli you richly i ail wlsdomn; . . nd whatsoever .Betty Jane1 Idinger. .o, and Ina tged 1w ur Iau&Iay LJJiUg ad Uvi .are always cordially weleome. e in _ _ _ _ wn, IV iil Give Lecture -On Christian Science Junièr Cornets I seaui of Cain Iman c o> à i