31e Sq. Fti. Choce. of Colora and Tae. sid of ag: fiams w r-' y' Thfflis Faobric 'iJvânmJJ - 59e a Yard 0 Made of Crown Tested Rayon *39 luches wsshable Wide and Yd. 0 Hundreds of Patterns to 4Ihoose Froun ID Sult.ihle for Dr.soes, Blouses, Housecoats $ ~5O Tailored in Corded Mohair: Velv'et nhe famous Kroehler construction assures you value, quî&ty, and heauty throughout. Beautlfully designed in semL-baracl style and covered 'in a good.looking coruied mohir velvet. An exeeptlotial value...e sure t. see it. SmalI Amount Down-"-Balance Easy Ternis Filet of SJt MACKEREL No. 1 oval tins. Fera- u e 1brand. Heat and25 serve. .Each? 5C E Ic ML '%»" L K 0OR PS $1Down-Balanee Easy Ternis I