Wedneslay,. March 8 8 P. M. - Choir rehearsal - J. Morris Gustafson, cdirector. ThuÙrsday, *March 9 7:5P. M.- Praise, prayer and Bible Studly. An earnest invitation extended to afl who have no church home to attend-afly or ail of these services. Dr. ,Lynn Harold. Ho U,'h Speaker at -Sunday aub Dr. Lynn Harold Hough, preacher, educator and writer from Drew The- ological Seminary, Madison, N. J.,. will give bhis twentieth talk at the Chicago'Sunday Evening club March 5 in Orchestra hall at 8 o'ciock, speaking on. "The Sound of the Trumpets." Others features of the meeting include a music prograin by the club's choir of 125, directed by Edgar Nelson, and an informai LEG 0F LAMB Genulpe Spriug Branded Qu4tl,8 te 9 A. lb. ag. l ..... RIS ROAST OF BEEF The veîy flnest of top prime beef. Its fully ageil. For a rare Julcy and- decluledly savery rasut you oan't than t" Itibs Standinglb . .....254Ci 9:15a. m - irstservceof which have ranked among the 9:30 a. m. -SUnday school and Bible mOst popular of the religious classes. writings o!, today. 10i:55 a. m.- Sunday school class for__________ children of three to f ive years. Il a. mi.- Second service. Gordon Evans, who makes bis 8 p. mn. - "Question-box" sehmrwvicse.n ndunl, r 8 p. m., and Thursday andomrs. A. L.irisutyand WnetkaMr Lenten services. adMs .L hit,59Wnek avenue, Winnetka, formerly of Wil- The order of service in this evening's mette, came home last week-end for Lenten service includes: