Esther Stamots, director o9t te Met- 1ropolitan, Employment bureaiuo! the, Oiicago Y.W.C.A. Speaking o n1 the topic,-"If I Were You," Mi!ss Stamate wil offer. general advice to: the un- dergraduates attending. Wednesday morrslng Miss Stamats and members of her ýstaff wiil hold Individual conférences with students., In the afternoon, ýa serles of round table meetings, each to'discuss some specife field for wornen, will be held, wlth addresses by persons working ln these fields. Imoue VaiciToplcs. The topica wvll inélude suchi con- ventional ones as. teaching., music, tjnder the new plan. the purposes of the advlsory comtnittee wil be to coordinate civic. efforýt,. to act as a non-eartisan coMmittee to suggest candidates to 811: the offices of, the village, sehool, and park. boards, Io bring together information and to help crystaflize public opinion, to digest proposais andl advise the sev- erai boards on matters of public poiicy, to present programs of clvlc be tterment 'to the severai boards. and to make more effective the cooperation of ail boards and or- ganizations engaged in the civic de- velopment of the village. Meibershlp Plan Mernbers of -th~e omiteWill is to be presented for the benefit of Association house, a Presbyterian at .2150, W. North avenue, Chicago., Sponsoring thelecture is the Woxn- en's auxiliary, composed of mem- bers of Presbyterian churches in the, Chicago area. In Evanston Mrs.,A. S. VanDeusen, Jir., 1401 Lincoin street, and Mrs. John F. ýSchmîi, 309 Kedzie street,' both fromn the First Presbyterian church, are in charge. Patronesses will include Mrs.. E. A. Bishop, Mrs. W. B. Clark. Mrs. Charles *Hardin, Mrs. H. W. Kitchell. Mrs. W. 1. Williams 'and, Mrs. B. Clifford Graves. is on leave L, be:' opai the MOTS LD show h which emy a devils . only ij raig, wno as neaa of an ex- ýw iof,àvfftur#1 Tmve tech- makes the, perilous thrill ýr the great photoplays, wil1 s undersea motion pictures. iave won the coveted Acad.. vard. Craie and his dare- ave combéd the world flot der the South séas, but in and in the Arctic for their Besides being an adventure apher and lecturer. .Craigala- th on table metngs wiil con- retai-trasr.7i- im~ the first Girl Scout troop in this Troop News i tobehej i Ma, hil tecountry on Sunday, March 12. They In carrying out their educationai Cocld wthDnnrFerur meing is to be r Mawieee will meet insmall groups and large, and vocationai exploration project. for the considération of candidateswih roas ayn fom ac *e girls of Troop 6 visited the The conference wiIl conclude for offices to be filled i the 'April dress parties to formai receptions Stock Yards the morning of Satur- Thursday evening with a dinner at elections. with many important guests. dy eray2.A fiin ud the evanston F i r s t Methodist wr iday, F heGrlSousto tebruar 25. Anefficiethie churh, t whch he qestofo Similar agencies exist in other HeenWietethGrlSostok he trog so ha hy 4'Marriage and a Job" will receive villages of the township. The pol- a lScuts tng to hebid ay wit could follow thcer roesued by-a considération from allangles.. Speak- itical functions .of thé advisory com- ouhtternoo be hed t 3o'clck reteattenrkter. n por tg -ni AîÉ,î;>MrcMvan 14ir.mxittee are assumed iWimette b nta atrona tePebte-ma o temres.Bfr h l its Work, and it bespeaks tinued interest of its mnany weeks natic! t" ini eeting