spirit UUani n5eresU>DyisLracLng ia gre*ter rnumber of our citizens to actual participation n village af- fafrs: Third, to- secure the serv- icsof persons flot only of unques- tioned. honesty and 'integrity, but of such confidence of ailand 'jus- tify the placing of the village mnan-. agement in their custody. The most important problem which -confronted the founders of- the. I-armony plan was how best to organize the convention end elim- inate the dangers of clique control and manipulation. This obstacle - has been overcome by,,the method of choosing, candidates for the con- vention. The Presideits o! our proininent clubs and organizations select committees whlch in turn tracks on the west, the soul its of Kenilworth on the nori the west limits o! Gage's Ag on the east. 4. ZONING We believe that Wilmette will, be best preserved as a village of homes and that property values, will be better protected and en-. hanced by the strict enforcemnent of zoni ng ordinances. 5., BUILDING CODE We believe that a more modern Building Code, which will recog- nize new materials and methodis developed for construction, is es- sential, and suggest a revision of the present ordinarice as soon as I 11- C hli 1e, is premiere danseuse w i t'h this Company o f eleven young Shanghai ar.- tists who are touring Am eri ca to. raise u.n d s for mecUicai. relief for China's toar refugees. Theïr, pro gram is composed of choice selections f ro0m the -,classicai mwusic, dances a n. d drama of ancient, China. The troupe 'is coming f roam New York where it has, juat completed a succes fui engage- The use o! Village stre*ets for through bus, truck a nd freight traffic is objectionable. We sup- port the program of diverting such traffie to Skokie Blvd., and <&Tjarea excpt Chica go. Rock Garden Among Displays'a t A nn ual Better Homes Expo Here Our village is !ortunate lni the not- ablé progress thus achieved and in the wldespread acceptance o! the principles upon whlch this plan was founded. In view.of the bene- ficlal results of t h e convention~ method, we belmeve that its con- tinued support should be given by all high principled citizens. We, the memnbers of this Nine- teen-thirty-nine Harmony Party, u nouir1fledlv 1Aulez orfull mrn Board should give s eration to the estab Village Conimunity 1 reation center. 8. PUBLIC OPINION We favor the conti policy of ascertainir of the citizens on m. which may corne b( lage Board. .40 be constructed oy a local lalnscape nent o! a artist. eand rec- Outstanding, also, will be a large furniture display by a Chicago firm, which will occupy the stage of the auditorium. Many other novel and ce o! the attention-arresting exhibits will be ýe opinion in evidencé, the exact* nature of problems which will remain a secret until the Si. Augustine's Sunday evêning, February 26, the young poeple of St. Augustine's Episcopal church are to be hosts to several groups of young people's organizations on the north side of Chicago, and along. the North Shore. a t the Village fles1bu nue their efforts1 ers ini order re the Sheridan occurrence. 1 1MU( I ca hairmen, of the exhibit are li n the exhibit is supervised b y Mrs.' rthur Dixon and Miss Rebec-1 Ernest Frèernan. Mrs. W. G. -Mit- ch.. The club's. own actlvity chell is in charge of publjicity. ing to,