worth and Wilmette to the latter village wlll be the subject of' a hear- ing *on. March 14 *before. County, Judge- EdMund K. Jarecki. The area is owned by Lloyd G,, Gage, and 18 bounded by the North, Shore line tracks, on the west, the village of Wilmette on the south and east, and the village of Kenil- worth on the north., It adjoins the dead end portions of Greenwood and Ashland avenues west of Thirteenth street, Plan Development There are noe houses or. streets in the tract at the present time but extensive plans for its develop- ment have been announced bi, Ir- Holland M.- Cassidy, Chicago attorney and outatandfig atsthor- iti, on tax quetions, will £ddress the Wilmette Civic league at ita February meeting> this Friday' noon in the EnglUsh roorn of Marshall Field and companyi downtown store. Indicate Declime In Influenza of the club and their friencis. Featuring the evening's prograrn will be a. talk by W. Frank McClure, founder àa1nd president of the club, who wil describe some of his Inter-m esting and unusual experiences wlth the organization and its speakers. John Burdette, colored *baritone, winner of a'Chicagoland mnusic fes- tival award several years ago, and one of the outstanding soloists- in the Chicago area, will give a group of songs. Orval Simpson will s 'how some of his own colored Koda chromhe stfil. pictures of scenes iMexico and the nainal man ~irso vf the Weq tions 'of' Wiliftette 18 souglit in peti-, tion now belng circulated throughout the village. The school would be erected on a tract of land now owned by the board of education and bounded by Thornwood and Elmwood a ve - nues and by Darmouth a n d Twen'jty -Flfth streets. P The. schoo1l lpresent for th e building a S130.- mhat mhe county i the question of t submitted to the m of Wilmette. Srson may file i Lerk of the county n five days prior ections to the an- it was added. The menti able a caTownsend Club Is J)ed Card Party- Hoat Civic Leaguers Holland M. Cassidy, promini Chicago attorney, will discuss "I Trend of Taxation and Suggesl Changes" at the monthly lunchE meeting of the Wilmette Ci, league Friday, February 24, i Einglish roomn of Marshall Field a cornpany's State street store. t~e nt was less wi e :it was decl d office of 1 )n health comr ic This is pi rtin H. Seiferlt, duet tt he, fa et ce of the regular club meeting Ê week. Admission is free, anda persons interested i the Town-s d National JRecovery Plan are t, ended a cordial welcome. Cram. -I In hi Gage court annexa boardi iiex and t] 1the i; nee to a< 1ave, Ltoo Hiowardi 1Seven- y for thxe