Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Feb 1939, p. 54

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of a part o -BlokWOC ne (1) -in Ienil- worth .(as shown on à Plat recorded October* 29. 1918 in Book 155 of Plats, page 20, as Document No. 6413153). anSouth of and adjolnlng the South Uine of .Block '1'wenty-nine (29) in Ox- ford Addition to Kenilworth, a Sub- division of parts o! Sections Twenty- seven (27) and Twenty-eigbt (28) ln the Township and Range aforesald, ln Cook County, Iliôl to the Village of Wlmette, Cook County. Minois, was filed in the off ice of the Clerk of the County Court of Cook Coun- tir,. Illinois on the 18th dlay of Febru- ary, A.D. 1939; that the substance of said Annexation Petition Is as, foiowý.: That Lloyd G. Gage is the owner, of ail the above descrlbed property; That there are no legal voters residing in said terrltory; that sald terrItory la flot now included within the limits of any city, village or incorporated town: that said territory la contlguous ta the Village of Wlmette. a,,municipai -côrporauon 7uuiY organizea ani eXIioan under and by virtue of the lawa of the $tate of Illinois and located ln Cook Ccunty, Illnois; That said Annexation Petition asks: 1. That the territory above described When the Threshold Players .of Gxlencoe present "Uncle Tom's Cab- in" on Friday and Satiùrday a* the Central School.auditoriumn in-Glen-, coe. they Will be re-creating not only a play but a theatrical tradition that is 85 yeaÈs old. At the time Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote the best seller of 1852, she could hardly realize that her, characters would be living, and moving nearly a century later. The novel on which the play . is bâsed was. written to satisfy a: young writer's urge t o do somethlng to al- leviate the emotionial and physical suffering of the Southernt slaves and becameé the moatý potent literary weipon of the Abolitionists.. Vani- ous dramatic versions of "Uncle Tom's Cabin' have been staged in nearly every village and city of thé ,United -tates, featuririg iueh weWý known actora as Joe Jefferson, Mary Pickford, Fred Stone, and the fam- ous Duncan sisters. 'An engagement several seasons ago in New York starring Otis Skinner played three weeks to packed bouses. Neither Mrs. Stowe or her eatate profited by the popularity of' the Accoraing to Frank Morre, presi- dent of the Threshold Players, "The. Worth Shore may expect toI see a flnished produci ioni. The showis exceptionally welI cast coverinig à w1de ýsco peý of type and versatility of talent. Among the principal characters are Joe Shippen as Uncle Tom. Jack Sturtevant as. Simon Legre. Aithea Murphy as Cassy. Henry Dierkes as' Marks. Edith Sharf as Eliza and Victor McKeighan as George Har- ris. Three young people xnaking their debut with the Threshold Play- ers are Sue Miller as the misebie- vous Topsy. Patsy llaynes as frail Little Eva, and Celia Dierkes. as Eliza's child. Little l{arrv. Sessions This Week' Clara MacGowan. assistant,'profes.. sor of art at Northwestern univer- sity. *and president of the Depart- ment of Art. Educastinof the IAmnerican artists take the,. stagée iii Orehestra Hall. this coming weck when six AmeÉic.en born iusi- ians appear as soloists, in, con cert.-î s ponsored by the Orchestral as- sociation. The firt; will be ten-year old Patricia Travers, outstanding child violinist, who: plays w ith the Civiçc orchestra under the direction- of Hans. Lange, Sunday afternooon Februairy 26. She is followed by John Weicher. concertmaster, and Robe rt Quick.,, hiis assistant, who play as violin so- 'loists on Dr. Stock's Truesday after-' noon programn. Trhursday night and Friday afternoon. Chicago's. Storm Bull is piano soloist. paingth first performance here of Bartok's ' Concerto, on. an ail-Hungarian pro- gram. Saturday night at bis tenth popular -conert, Dr. -'Stock aga-in calis on bis Chicago Sunphony or- chestra for soloists in the persons of David Moll. violin. and Milton Pre- ves, viola, to do Mozart's Sym- phonie Concertante- for Violin and Viola. HOSPITAL, ,on bas returned ý4 Elmwood ave- epen to ail the temptations of those vhich are. not sucb. as there will. e, as the world la now, five bad laya to orne good one." SoId Slave Henry Ward Beecher. famous ora- r of his day. and brother o! Mrs. * evenmng performai ritalhàble at the 'M shop in Glencoe. ifa Htead 1Book< Undu ere will be spe- at the to bei auditon wecel er* <Topa)in a acëene from by the Threshold Plauers, he County rnotice of [on and of Petitoner. 4 I -M ÎT

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