HAY RACK AND SLEIGH RIDE PARTIES Martin Beinflch--Norbook 1030,Sunset Ridge R& Glenco. 1016 15LTN41-tp FURNITURE SPRAYING £IOwlcker furniture and refrigera- At.rsW. use iacquer-Winnetka 385. 15LTNSI-tfc PICTURE PRAMES REPAIRE» AND regilded. 011 paitings restored. For estimates phone University 0770. 1LTNO0-tre HARD WOOD FOR FIEPLACES 09 per, ton. Delivered * Gust A#nde 702 Locust road, Wlmeçtt. 4as. vailing iow 'oisýs now offered. 31 DRESSMAKING 44 INSTRUCTION. SAVE 'OVERHEAD. HAVE YOUREN NORTH WESTERN S T UD ENT WILL -sembles, evening dresses, and suits tutor in hîgh school French, algebra, made or restyled by experienced dress- trigonon2etry or anY elementary sub- mnaker in your home. M. Boland, wil jects. Phone Kenilworth 2132. 44LTN42ltp mette 3M2. 31LTN42-Itp TUT!ORING IN ]FRENCH FOR TRAVEL, conversation, sehool. Groupa or idi- DRESSMAJCING viduals. French readinefravne « AVE O ÔU R -SPRIt(G CLOTHES pupjs. lfortka823. 44LnO4t M D E A T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __P R_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M .« L = 0 4 t CHOOSE Y O U R E ý MPLOYMEINT ,Iagency wvitfi the same care. with which you select your doctor. dentIst or lawyer "-consider his training, ex perlence and rep>utation. 26 years in personnel work. The H.E. ALSUP, Mgr. Central ~' gency 8N. First St., Highland Park Save a toi-Cail Glencoe 1613 92ILTN42-ltc COMP. WOMAN WISHES WORK ANY, DAY INCL. SUN..HOUSECLEANING. WASH WALLS, BLANKETS, PREPARE DINNIERS. C A REF O R CHILDREN EVES. ýBEST REFS. WINNETKA 1511. EX PER. COL. WOMAN DESIùES snl!ýall family. Good plain cook. excel.' remodel attics,. bas recr. rms., gar, Hialverson work-1 [ES GENERAL HOU COOK, FOND GOOD N., S. RI IIAT A' PIANO jf74 by compentent German woman. Ex-, perienced en) shirts and fine linens. ri.s. references. Wnnetka 2589. 94LTN42-Itp WHITE WOMAN WISHES DAY WORKý- of any kind. Good laundress, experi- IenCed on shirts. îr.__References. if desired., 373 Hiaze .litp