After sending out telegrams over the week-end to ail t he Rlepublican mnembers,, it had .been decidedby Floor Leader Branson thati thé roll eall for attendanice, should be, the test as to whether there were suffi- cient Republican mernberS present to proceed with the consideration ofthe resolution. As the 'roll cail proceeded, it seemed evident that the Hous$e'Was about evenly divided so far as political faiths were con- cerned, with possibly the Democrats having the slight edge. For, some unexplainable reasons more Repub- licans see,*med to have been laid low by the "flu" than Democrats. Floor Leader Branson, therefore, decided tn hold ovr untmil the next week the, Election Law Vote Delayed .Representative Sprague's election bill (H. B. No. 38) which passed'the House several weks ago, suffered an, ufiusual setback in the Senate just as it was called for passage last Tues- day. A short circuit blew out ail the. lights in the. State House just as the roll call began on his bill. Consider- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zeutechel, 2022 Wilmette avenue, entertained at a family dinner party at their home last Sunday.' The occasion was Mr. Zeutschel's birthday. "Hap- nv Brthdavi-was first a11neh'vthe Mathew-Frgnels Photo Robert E. Rukaen, 1006 Michi:- gan avenue, was Te-elected preai- dent of the Wilmette Hiomre Ourn- ers assocition t t h e annuatl meeting held Wednesday in the perience as -majurity pressed the point tha tion was unfinished must be considered ir Chair Is Ovet The chair,; under thi acting Speaker Repres nick. ruled otherwise. Searle said that this was the Ilrst tirne in their experience that the chair had not been sustained in a decision of parliamentary proce- dure. 0f course, after'this defeat to Mr. Branson's plans it was necessary for the resoIution to have immediate Large Asslgnment A large assignment is ahead of the coxpmittee of seven which has iNI SUMANAVIS IVANSION N Wl350i of the