ning the affair to give this large, group of wornen- an intimate. picture of the way the -club* functions. "Our great suce ss," Mrs.. Wood says, ."la the' direct result of the. careful work of this group of wom- en. It is they we have to thank for, our growth from 'a handful. of original imembers to our present po- sition with over two thousand.paid mnembera on our roUls. And this. spring when we have no' election activities we are taking time out to think and plan our ow n or ga nization work so that *>it -wil be atill more vialuiable for our .Stture." Henry Gardner, , he New Trier Township committeeman on the Cookç county Cenftral committee of the Republican party, wlll introduce' in a talk at the luncheon. Mrs. Benjamin Affleck of Winnet- ka, social chairman of the club, is planning the details of the lunchéon. btewW,(r, and G.en. and Mvrs. Charles! G. Dawes are arnong the, patronsi and p atronesses of the* lecture, which Jan Masaryk wl give at the,,First. Methodiat ichurch, Evanston., Friday evening, March 3, at.8:15. Masaryk, who is the son of the: flrst president of -Czecho - Slovakia and was.minister to Enigland from 1924 until last fall's criais, will speak "The Shifin ceé i Euh rope. aTh appearangcen e is ùoe. one on the North. Shore. Dr.- Henry P. 'VanDusen, one; of the leaders of the Coniference for Christian unity receritly held in Mad- ras, India,. will speak for the Chi- cago SundaýyEvening club in Orch- estra hall Sunday eveninig, February 26, at 8 o'clock. "The World Cbri8- tian Comm'ýunity" wrnl be the subject of his address. Dr. VanDusen head- ed the section of the conference on "The Faith by which the Church Lives," declared to be one.o! the most sucecessfùl angles o! the meet- ing. Afier his appearance at the Sunday Evening club lie will. addres the Chicago minlaters' meeting at ON SPRING FASHIONS', Tbree Cheers fer _ Spring Sweater. ~' There are lots of littie en your publi's pic-4 ture of yôu-ýbut sweat- ersto*p :the lhst! I've juat' seen Zlck's new collection, and it looks like a tulip garden in full bloom-so if there's any speclal shade you want, there's a Iead for you! You'il *içl a coniplete range of styles there too-everything