Parishioners of St. Francis-Xavier Roman Catholie- church, Nînth street and.Linden avenu e, Wilmnette,. wxll worship in the new edifice nlext .Sunday morning, it was announced this week by the pastor, the-Rev. MvartinD. McNamara.ý The first service wil1 beý a 'solemn high mass and will be celebrated at. 6:30 o'cloek. ýOther masses will fol- low at 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 o'clock. Non-Catholic rèsidents of the North Shore were given a ýspeCIal invita- tion to attend by Father*,MeNamnara. The church, wrhiéh was buit from the plans of McCarthy, Smith, and Eppig by the Carney Constructioni I February 23,.1939 Announce Plafform...,for. The, 1939 Harmony ,Party Recomnmend Cornînunity House and Adherene to, Zoning Laws; Oppose Truck Routes Speaker A siate of candidates ýanda *plat- formwere approvred. Monday:;night for the spring elections at a meeting of the, Wllmette harmony convention. SThe following were nomlnated for village trustee: Albert W. Jensen, 200 Seventeenth street, for a term of two'years to fUI the vacancy created by the death of Paul C. Lang. Warren T. Fifer, 1010 Linden- av-' enue, for a term of four years to succeed himself. Joseph F.,Rossberger, 2103 Wash. ington avenue, for. a term of four years. Hle lu also an incumbent.. F. Dewey Anderson, 208 Golf ter-