One, of, the outstandlng booths es usual, at the annual Baetter.-Homes exhibit March 1, 8; and Si at the Wr=nns club o! Wilmette, will be the glft booth on articles for which Mrs. S. D. MePherron and the mem- bers of her cornmittee have beçn hard at worjc since last sumnmer. Trhere- will be an advance uhowing of these articles on Wednesdàay, March 1, at the club, with prices marked on them, so that the mem- mers can see the beautiful aprons, bathmats, Pincusbions, needie books, doilies, towels, bibs, powder room accessories, Pot-holders, luncheon' *sets, bridge sets, and napkins which the women have made. The articles *are afl of goo4 niaterlals, carefully made, and reasonably priced. There W-il alo b peter--wrëýandôtir attractive gits. The women have aimed to have everything that is practical and use- li and good, and also low in price. On Mrs. MePherron's commlttee are Mesdames C. A. Gode, H. N. Geaitzel, F. A. liaxnm, David More- ton, Ernest, Freeman, L. A. Fitz, Arthur Dixon, H. A. Thiede, Emil E Anderson, J. J. Mills,. CP. ery avenue, at ; U9,opeIoc.. The fôlowing reports , romt Provisions for Public Asslstance~ be presented: -"Needy Blind" Mrs. Marion L. Miller, "Vocatior Rehabilitation and Publice}Iealth"1 Mrs. Ross Moyer, 'Dependent Ch dren" by Mrs. W. T. Reece, aý "Provisions for Federal Old Age ~surance" by Mrs. Harold Reis. Members and friends of the leagi are urged to donate. used boo] especially children's books. Mrs.1 W. Griclley, 1309 Chestnut avenue., in charge o! the 'collection. and . " gladly caîl for contributions, if ni tilled. Dr. Eldridge T. MeSwain, as- sisatant professor of educatiot, at NoUhwgaern nnivei'sity, ilato be the Worns' Club Of Wiltmette next Wednesday i,. Is subject for discussion es "The Home à n d Education." Catholic Club Friay A graphologisft. Berha I-Un £U tlai. . aAUl, W J the afternon me 17he music departmnt o Womnan's Club ýof Wilmette has ar- ranged a. Club Memrbers' Amateur hour for'thefirs t part of the pro- gram on Wednesday,,March 1. *Mrs. Otto E. Geppert and Mrs Frank G. Guthridge will give, piano music. Mrs. Charles N. Evans,, Mrs. Paul Gathercoal, and Mrs. Charles,'o., Main will be the vocalists, The- chairman in charge will be Mrs. the % iil, by mial by Lfld >ue cs", w. s .Rob ert . aey.' cféIwl1b vin s enehB cfe ilb icharge of the second hour for teliteratutre department, preserit-ý mng J. Manley Phelps of Chicago on the su b jecet "English As She Is Spoke." Mir. Pheips is a graduate Of, the aohool of seeh of North- western university and has his own Night -School for Better Speech in Chicago. Fr the afternoon program, Dr. of Eldridge T. McSwajn of the depart- lsment of education of Northwestern ~fUniversity will give a lecture on t- "The Home and Education.. Dr. .d McSwain was born in South Caro- Northfield Club Etcts First Headi r, and Dorothy articles t10 -Coùmittee a itage. G.j mes J. C. ;, RT. e Mrs. George E. Clapper, chair- e man of the w4ys and nieans com- s mittee, has planned a card party - for the night of March 11, ini the - Northfield Village hall. There will To Address GuiId .C. T and edi mnt Dr. be the ,sented1 ia ufllversity. ,ey, chairman of tion department, Swain. This lec- 'st in a series of this, department t -~ - .----- - as LI-b. ory Day Meeting r F~ ail- MWÉ