For the ffrst time, as a sertes of Lenten programns, the Women's As- sýoclated Guilds of-,St.: Augustlne's Episcopal church in Wllmette, will- present three lectures by a distin- guished resident of Wilmette, Dr.. Mary G. Schroeder,- psychologlst -and psychlatrist. The. talks hse on the general subject..of menta hygiene, are selected ,for their- appeal to each Individual.* At the close'o! the lec- tures a round table question and anwrperiod will. be held. "Conquering Préjudice,"' lB the sub- ject o! the first talk which takes place in -the- Parish Ilouse at 2:30 o'clock, Monday 'afternoon, February 27. On March 13, Dr. Schroeder wilI discuss "Conquering Happiness," and on March 27, , "Progress of Mental ide upon the course ýr should take. ,mother of seven ýen à teacher. Uer of the most distin- teaching in. North- v"Ol Wsu ube iuuoweod y a surprise entertainment,. Mrs. W. M. Branch,, the chairman of, the committee in charge announces. Serving_ on the conimitte are Mrs. Court Toel, Mrs.' Ailan Gilbert, and Mrs. Harry. Olin. AUl mot hers and daughters of the Village of Kenilworth are urged to attend. The invitation also includes, ail club members who are hlot Kenil- worth residents. Talk on Insect Pesis, Programn for Garden Club" Mrs. James S. Moore, 2024 Or- rIngton avenue. Evanston. will en- Orplzanage, i28.aasiating var committee heada in charge of ben efit dessert bridge party, t review, and fashion show, w the organization is sponso- Wednesdcsy, M a r ch 1, at Country Club of Evanston. The North Shore alumnae of Pi Beta Phi this week announce the, narnes of those who will model in, the fashion show, a. feature o!f the annual benelit: bridge party the. or- ganization is 'holding at -the Wom- an's Club of Evanston on Friday afternoon, February 24, at 1 o'clock. Participating iin the fashion -show, to commence .at 3 o'clock,. are Mrs. Robert Binghain of Evanston, Miss Mary Jane Marqua .of Evanston, Miss Geraldine Thiess o! Evanston, Mrs. Raymond Tewksbury of Chi- cago, Miss Jane Pool. of Evanston, Mrs. Norman' Johnson. of ,C hica go, Mrs., Robert James o! Evanston and her daughter, Shirley, Mi ss Alice Hanson, -Miss Norma Jordan and M#athieson and Mrs. j. chairynan of the party, e-xp1ains ub. that the proceeds from the benefit ýr is a well 'known local wil go to 'the Pi Beta Phi settie- Nets Johnson of Evans- ment at Gatlinburg, Tenin. Many .have colored slides to handrnade articles fashioned at the. talk, whieh will be -on settlement school wiil be displayed ,s and Théir Control.",for sale. Included will be leather McElroy, president of goods, metal ware, and hand woven scalled a meeting of pieces. 1: 30 o'elock. The school is the main nhiln- For one year she in Swltzérland. Sh( ated a private sanil years she was a: the Elgin State ha not only a consult taught at Rush sini nec nospitai. ,d with Jung. ,ht and oper- in Winfield, )d. For six member of and is now, .An extensive vo, ml i 1hoperation. 'e 8, at2:30 o'c], ýe o! Mrs. Joseph 1 tnut avenue. ckets may be rocur To Preside Episcopal Guilds Meel February 27