&Mn l. FEBRUARY 23,, 1939 li'a Our University; The recent unfortunate occurrence, at Champaign, which, cost the lite of a boýy student ýat the University of illinois and laid bare to public gaze the manner in which at least some of the students spend their leisure timne, will not have been in vain if it, leads to a complete and permanent cleanup of both Champaign--and_T-Trbana. That these two towns, on the borders of the university, are vice-infested, and that moral lepers of both sexes prey upon the young and--inexperienced- studenit trasý lon'tg bee'n' known. Like many another .condition it required a tragedy to bring the facts into the linielight and spur to 'action those who have ail along been. charged with the moral as well as the intellectual welf are of the student body. Now that the tragedy has been provided, it is hoped that the cleanup will go forward with thoroughness and tO epeyauo moral generates. Reform should, start with the poice of those towns-wlthout their connivance the conditions could not exist. te mnfimizing its importance, a case of sour grapes. Winnetka showed great courage. in' un- dertaking so extensive an improvemnentin the ninth year 'of a financial depression, when most municipalities would, and did, hesitate to assume the obligations. Her neighboring villages, we are sure, would not; withhold one particle of credit for the masterful mnanner in which she met a situ.- ation that had become intolerable. It I is a. neighborly inteÉest,' and by no .means idle curiosity,- that impels residents of theoai*re North Shore.to watch the prog- ress of the work as it moves forward day by day, as though anxious for it to reach a point where they can envision the completed compllshed. There is, as many see it, only one thing wrong 'with the project-it begins at the southern limits of Winnetka and ends at its northern limits. The area covered is much too restricted. Among ail of the great president's words of wlsdom, none are more frequently quoted than those in which lie warned the govern- ment he hat! helped to create to avoid en- tangling alliances with foreign nations. Washington and his cornpatriots were liv- ing close to European situations. They knew the European mind, the European "for the guidance, and protection of -villa gers in, -the current mild epidemie of what is, com- mognly cailed ' 1flu,'" I but phyrsicéianly- known as 6"upper respiratory infection, apparently in,-' fluenizal itype." Seing ;at,.the"momenit "ini the Pink, as it wete, we responded 100 per cent to the encouraýging tone of the voice, and listened with interest to that part, of the con-, versation pertaining to the "mildness" of the present epidemic. It seers now tohave been a. case -of misplaced confidence, for less than six hours later the bug had us, and we were in bed, blowing hot and cold, every bone aching with its own pe rsonal knd *of ache, ,the top of the head evidenitly trying to blow off and go through the roof, eyes, nose and ears. running. like a town pump. And us, between gro ans, pitchmng pointed 'questions et that health corn- missioner. "Mild," huh?' Whre do yota get preserve us from a real case of flu. Then we looked at some of his recommendations. 'Good food." Yes, but what's the value of "good food" when you couldn't swallow a moutbful to save your neck? "A reasonable quantity of liquids." We were reasonable about the liquids, ail rlght, because we couldn't get to where they seil 'em. "Avoid unnecessary crowds." We did that, too. It is difficuit to get a very big crowd into one bed. Religiously did we floilow New York had a near riot Monday night when the German-American Bund staged a demonstration ini Madison Square Garden. The .Bund is a 'Nazi organization, and some other organizations objected to their meeting. Before letting the Bund get too mucli of a hold on this country its purposes should be exposed. er ail, it is your Sunday Evening club. ut your support 'and attendance it some 5e pônd. acres 'o!fý you that it can't be done. THE PHNiwTOx REPORTER fOr rjrneaansno 107 lJet