througflout the country. exclucling Ne*w York state it was announced today by Dean S.C olster. Seniors in preparatory and high schéol, are, eligible to compete for the John MeMuilen regional scholar- shlps. One hundred McMullein re- gional scholars are now. attending the Unlversify. Applications, on forms obtained from high school. principals, must be submitted before April 1.. Each, scholarship, which nay be held, for four or five.years, depçndîng on the course selected, pays ,$400',a year, covering full tuition. The-basis, of award, includes scholastic achieve- mient, personal character, and gen- eral ability. A comniittee of Cornel alumni in each region helps the fac- Frank Cushing Smith, 431 Central avenue, Wilmette, is one of approxi- xnately one hundred students from ail parts of the United States now holding McMuilen Regional scholar- ships in the Coilege o! Engineering at Corneil. eeTomorrow's -was published last Friday at New Trier Hîfgh sehool. John Fitzpatrick Barnett of Glen- coe and Ricnard lamiil La J3onte of Wilmette, editors o!ftme New Trier News, undergraduate weekly news- paper, warned tnat "You'ci better like this, readers, because it's the coming thmng ini journalismn." The special edition, which took 1~ olnsuyl the fi new PHONE WILMETTE SU5 azi435 GREEN DAY'ROAD azine,