rmies who are building and buy- sure or nousing shori;age. And fl Iing hèmes know very well, without 15 not, the traditional pressure- of Ielabroate analysis. Theeoomts rising ýrents, one of the economnic I fiancing agencies, building materi- analysts, Uarland Allen points out, Iai Manutactureru, and builders are ini an> advisory service to general J asking the 'question to get at a mea- investors. - OIL DUýBRNEIL Il SERVICE Servicge DAY AND NIGHT .REAL ESTATE LOANS OF MONTHLY PAYMENT, LOW INI 5 TO 20YEARS CONSTRUCTION* REI ALL TYPES TEREST LOANS Seea inaepenaence It is, he says, in new form, the incentive o! sa!ety, economny, and indeperidence.. Surely ltat is the oldest incentive i lte world for home ownerhip- and the most substantial. Thtis is lte new element today, as it looks to titis delacited commnentator: "Titis new incentive ta: home ownersitip, frequently remarked in thes letrs. ai.fthe nnnnrtunitY general contra ciors. Cost or the structure is estimated at ý$8.000. Mr. W.olff also announced approval of a building permit for Fred Breit- ling to b4ild a onie story 'brick store building at 415 Linden avenue i the "L" ,terminal business district. Jen- sen. and Teutsch are the architeets and general conitractors. The cost' of the building will be $8,50)0., Two reniodeling jobs were also approved. August C. Pearson is modernizing his store at 813 Ridge, ave nue at a cost of $3,500. william C. Huggins is. the architect. J. J. Himres is remodeling the homne aI 801 Fifteenth 'street, aet-acost of ùp is truly 'as. A nove] wrnl be ti d&gree to, which tween the cebrings also a ton-Northt Lmination inta the to be held of lte project, the Real Esta sInterest in real estate circles "Querio" contest be- ýak Park and the Evans- iore Real Estate Boards Marcit 1 at the Chicago 15"4 SHERMAN AV University 0283- Rogers ON to vwzi or to ±Rent? . y ýecurring question, "Isilwitom to own than to reiit?" came board. realtors represeriting Evans- ilU be David C. Malin, Jules bèer, Robertl L. Wyatt, George rus and W. A. Sadler ail of, are past presidents of the Dearboru, Monroe and Clark Streets 151Sherman Avenue, Evaiston University 2600 Wilmeute 2602 Winnetka Iii If ls over r ago.