planes. Alert young America of to- day wants to know aboutý aviation. Naturafly,- a boy 'can learà, more about aero. enginieering by building a model plane than by any amount ýo! readini text books., Right, now boys and young men al over the i country are building model planes. IAt the Wilmette communlty. center this facinating hobby hai been very successfully pursued. The' older boys are very adept at ,building scale models which are exact replicaso! modern flyers. So many models have been buit at the center that Daniel M. Davis, director of the, Wilmette playground and recréation board, has decided tn a clean slate for the !îrst round, Iwith five wins and no loues. The ITigers had. no trouble ini winning from the Minus, 66 to 16, The Corn- huskers, wvho closed the second round in second place, dropped a one sidedý game to the Blowouts, 40, to 24. The 'M" league high scorers for, the season so far as follows:, Player-Teant Points George Koerber-Cornhuskers...... 184 James Gregory-Tlgers ........i...154 Bob Lawerance-Superstars . ....... 151 George Arnos-Blowouts......3 Bob Noble-Tigers ................ 13Q GIRLS' LEAGUÈ In' the' girls' league the ýhigh schôool team againý came out vic-torlous. the[ The Hawkeyes took: their. gamne with the, Groucho 34, to 32 in -a close game. The Hawkeye center, Jim Gregory made Il points and his, teammates, Dick Magner and Art, Russo of the Groucho, each made 10 points to lead the scorers. The Cambu w n from the Demons by forfeit Thé "C" league high scorers for the season so far are as follows:, "C"' League 111gb Scorers Player-Team POints Bill Cloud-Bobeats........178 Bob D)oottie-Flashes...........1l50 Art Youngberg-Flashes....... «...123 Bob Laweranc-Demons......... "112 James Gregory-Hawkeyes ......... 110 The best records for the basketball goal throw are as follows: Bill Stel .tz. Richard Arns, WilliamMey- ers. Carletoni Everson, Fred Strayer. Claie B George Canning_ Oden Jester, itoiahd Brailsford, Don l.Harper, Fred- Lauer, Wilfred Jacobsen. Claie C Laurle Lauer, Marcus Moe, AI Young- qulît, Bud Shaw. Clati D Hill, Hunter Bettinghaug,. Bud Torrey. Tom Rosenow. RobertIlller' Richard iHotzi Richard Dooey Dn 1Rennolds. Don .Lutter. :Claie V Bruce Chronic, Malcolm Swift, Phlip Brlggs. Dick Cova, Don Schweger, Bill lNorris. aeroplane exhibit will be aug- 1with an exhibit by the coni- center stamp club. Other wili be included also. There the wonlf 1to 19, points t i the 1i Pkay HAll-Star" Game The Wlmette playgroumd and rec-v reation board is té stage an "allIl star" basketbail game between at picked team from members of thek "A" league and a picked team from members, of a ntrong Eunston,1 a H. £ H . ....................0 3 .00() mu'. ..#j wp i n au LL £4 «IE" LEAGUEhaîf. The final score was 31 to 25.o The Hornets, who have already Jack Lechner, led his River Inn won the championship of the 'uE" teaýn with. 12 points in defeating the Th league by winning all their games, Va Va Ells, 46 to 20. The River club w: throughout two rounds o! play, bare- Inn team, neyer in trouble, led at1 Tuesda ly eked out a victory from the the end of the first haîf, 20 to 7. olde hil Elagles, 28 to 26, in a overtime game Leadlng Scorers jba o'clôeký Febr4ary 28th community center barn dance rnl hold a hayloft jamboree on ay evening, February 28. Ve, Lyloft orchestra will be on the id the music wiil start at 7:30 i-A small charg- il. .m î. 'eated the Wil- in a close game ................. ..oer .......... won" ire as ,Dixie mion, Sh els, Bar] Doris Pet. .889 1 1 &Aal