The, roy Scouts wi l meet church Wednesday evening. The choir will, rehearse Friday at the 'church. tOn ýSunday, March 5. a baptisrr ehi eift off D. andff,'a W.W- evening 1 Miss Margaret Heineke, who will be the speaker at the Wiii- mette Girl Scouts Own on March 12, the GilSc o ut birthdayj. Miss. Heineke is a Springfield scot who went to the interna- STEWING lIENS Finest milk-fed qnallty. Tender flavor- some *neat. Fresh dry pleked. 4 to 5 lbs. average . 2t 1939 - BROU LERS - 1939 Here is remarkable value. Milk-fed, very plump and flavorsome. Fresh .2 dry plcked, 2 to 3 lbs. avg. . .lb. J On Friday, evening, March 10, the Erie KENILWOWRH GIRL SCOUTS Players. a group of players from. Erie Neighborhood House, will present three The Kenilworth Girl Scouts of piays in our Assembly hall, under the TroopVaehvn oevr n auspices of the Tuxis club. There wîî OpVar ain om er n be no admission charge, but an offering terestirig meetings. We had some will be received. whIch will go entirely very' nice movies about Erigland, toward the work at Erie. Members o& Alaska, and South Ameriva. We the church znd fr iénds ,are cordially in- went on a sleigh ride which was a vited. lot of fun. One meeting wte pniM of Evanston,. ter, Nancy J, ruary 19, at Mrs. Kroehl1 dahi cf ICen. DAUGHTER BORI i-l llti --ltLIvve Planned and Jane Lun- One mieeting ' ture walk instea, ngas we had hA haIrIone afeu 'uts ....bM 3c on a na- ice skat- After we ýxe ......j. x 9C tdy Figer varet-ur I 3 117c - ZVC oze -