cLaU evVI1upI, NLrch 3, at 8 o0C10ck. 'ie'.wil discuis "The Shiftinig Scene in Europe." Since bismother was an American and Masaryk hiniself lived and worked in the United States from 1906 until the world war, he> speaks Englih fluently. Alter thewar lie becarne the first Czecho -Slovak. charige d'affaires at Washington. The followýing year, 1920, lie was re- called to. Prague to be confidential secretary to his father. He went to Ltondon two years later as councillor of legation, and in 1924 assumed.the important post of minister to Great Britain wýhich lie held until hiii resig- nation last October. at which timel New Facts About Death From Gas "' ýuU5U .. parents. KUOW flWowt reaýr .li idren intelligently. Progres-, sive schools help. to -make Up for their sliortcomnings. Yet the'best teachers in *a progressive iho can't do a good job with a child whose parents are stupid. Hoôme environmnent is a vital factor. The] ideal job can bedone With the cliild' Who, cornes from- a good home en- viroônnent and goes ýto a good pro - gressive sehool.'(Good Housekeep- ing February, 1939). Cites Reader's Digest A school "For Al Who Wisli to Learn' is described in Reader's Di- gest for February. It is the out- standing opportunity school of Den- for parent arna teaciier. jamnes--Childrens Books of Yesterday Zohnson-Anthology of Chilildren-SLitera- ture Touchstones to good, literature. Moore-Literature O.ld and New for Cii dren C" A text for stridents of chuidren's litera. titre writteni by one of great taste and discerrment. Rawlinsol-Introduction to Literature for, Children..1 Smnith-llistory of Childrens Lîterature Termnan---Chldren's Reading A study based on the reading interests of children, desirabie and undesirabie books and suggestions for their read- ing. Right Book for the Riglit Chid The Researchi Department of the,'Win- netka Scho1 graded these suggestions both as to content and quality. birth-rate ity of the nake greatg VIT@ J The Wldeats, winner of the Bi.g Ten team championship in 1937 and. Minnesota last yeair, face the 'comiing season with lait' yeair's team intact. Sid Richardson, twice wvinner of the individuaIltitie, heads the group of lettern en which includes Frank Perpich, ýChester Bland and. Will O'Neill. FEDERAL PRISON FILM Trhe first motion picture of r the Fedéral prison system "They Al Corne Out," is now in production at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayýer, as the first four-reel subjeet ever, produced. in order that he rnight be given prop- ai' attention. .Dr. Sowers and Mrs. Sowers, with Miss Harriet Vittum, attended the WIIAM G. STRTJGGLES William G. Struggles, 62, died ini his home at 609 Cherry street, Win- netka, Friday, February 10, after an illness of more than a year. Surviving are the widow, Sarab A.; one daughter, Mns. Milton Domm; twon,%. JoThn and A Pirt. £AASA. beverai ma L Ing the engines of to thie utmost ini att( of snowdrifts in w s 1:----------- ý--- y J-' i6, LLJ.aa LLmat t other means must be used to devel- ej OP the "social imagination"' er a longj ig lie was b: Leis. L aglit to1 son-lin-1 nuuu, vundUutead y th~e pastor, the, Rev. Samuel D. Harkness. Burial was in Mernorial Park cemfetery. Mr. Struggies had been.a resident of Winnetka. for forty-one years. He was well known ini insurance circles, having spent his entire adult life in that business. m, atia John L ords. be diTect(