AlSO wlcker fUrnitwe and refrlger tors. We ust lacquer-Wjnnek 311 15LTN21-1 SeasQnied Fireplace Wood Augurn wengeî Glencoé 351 151ltp PJCTIWPRAMES REPAIRED MAND regllded, Ofi paintings restored. For estÙmates Phione Unversity 0770. 1SLTN4O-tre lIARD WOOD IOR FIREPLACES Pper ton. Delivered. Gust Anderson, 702 LOCust road, Wilmette 452. Il UILD aNe ANb RPI I your WI!Y No'Ir, AVAIL YOUWSELP Or February prices. Have your wardrobe restyled or newly made, in your home. M. Bolanid. Wilmette 38M8. 3LTN38-4tp DRESSMAKING 0F ALLINDS. Altering and remodeling. Guaranteed i Work. M*,s. Kidd. :419 Linden Ave. Wil- mette 2190. 31LTN41-tp you niay take:advantag ie of the Pte,' vaifing low Coss ow ollered. Il DOOS AND CAYS Two 7 weeks'ol Black Cocker Spa niels Male and femnale. Glencoe 1126 11LT4-ltp COCKER SPANIEL. 'MALE; HOtSE trained. 36 Champions in pedigree. Trained for' showling. Ekcellent show prospect. $75. Wilanette 4151. 11TN41It p 80A-LTN39..4tp ai BUSINESS OPPOgRTUNITIMU MORTON GROVE TAVERN BUSINESS AND' PROPERTY frsale or rent. Wel established. Equipmenit modern. Write B-32,, BOX 60, Wilmnette, i. 8ILTN40-tp- Boarding or Rest Home* $3,000 CASH $1500 NOW; $1.500 JULY 15t h Balance like ýrent, buys going busineSs, furnishings & 14 room house, on large lot. Phone Wilmette 4151.. 81LTN41.ltp 87 REAL EUTATE LOANS FEDERAL HOME LOANS.,- LOANS ON NORTH! SHORE- HOMES Mgaximnum Idans. Convenent mionthly, repayment plan over 5 to l$ ygr.s. Dal. with a local instituiiin. - Full details bv inquiry at SAVE., DPavib L*41L *YOUR.1 with the samnec your doctor, der is training, exp. w -INr utati< The' e and rep- :. Geodë( ýventh-day, 1 ULTH41, ----------------- DREMMAKINQ . -i requirements, -so that