Several of the, league's chapters announce meetings. Th Kenilworth chapter will .h ave its next session Friday, February .24, meeting at il o'cloclc for luhcheon with Mrs. George Yates, 745 Maclean avenue, lenilworth. The co-hostess will be Mrs. Charles Miller of Kenil- worth. The sewing of sun sUits will be the major feature of the meeting.. .Saturday of this week, at 1 îo'clock, the. Meredith Peake chapter will have a luncheoNi at the home of. Mrs.. Jeanne Lepine, 1129 Pratt avenue. Miss Martha Stayner wMl be co-hostess. Tuesday of this week two, of the Frank A., Gerould, Mrs. 'F. D. Mea.' cham, Jr.., and Mrs. Purcel L Smith. Miss- Vîrgmnia Little is ini charge of reservations. 0. of M. 'art > Washington's birthday will be cel- ebrated a day early by St. Jude's Household, Order of Martha, Tues- day, February 21, when suitable decorations decorate the tables for a dessert-bridge party to be held at Winnetka Community House. Mrs. William Brand of Winnetka is thé- hnrtée+qq Postpone Meeting Inclement weather the'evening'of February 9, necessitated the post- ponement of the Page g roup meet- ing of F o r.t Dearbàorn chapter of Daughters of the American Rev- olution. The group will meet Thurs- day, February 16, at 8 o'clock at the home of Miss Ba rb a ra Malott, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Malott, 2520 Harrison street, Evans- ton. ýMrs. W. C.. Hedgcock' has rented heýr apartment li Evanston for a While and wiil make lier home with Mrs. Buck M. Kemp of 106 Broad- àberIdan me 4'-~<-~4~"4'- k 4, '44,- 4- y0L1R I f STNDRIMrRof GTTHIS SPECIAL WINI'ER CASOLINE FROM YOUR STANDARD OIL DEAL£R rerres à at iEItImStreet m's Land