A new projeetis-beitig initiated on the Nrth Shore, its,. sponsor be- ing the _Evanston Soc iety for Crip- pied Children,ý of wrhich,.Mrs. Alfred H. Taylor of Glencoe has just been elected presÏdent. To promote this endeavor. successfully, the society will soon launch its annual Easter seal .sale, the. seals to be distributed> about two weeks before Egaster S'un- day. With lproceeds fromn this sale, funds will be estabiished to start the North Shore Craftsman program, a vocational. occupation program for the home-bound. .Pa tterned afier a tsimilar, pro-« aàhi ^Minnesota. called the, Lone What is. coming out of the new Roosevelt> American, foreign policy? What will be the significanrce of the. election of a new pope inin ter- national relationships? Wifl 1939,be. the sort of a 4'tindler-box" that .was., These and scores of other pressing problems will be dis cussed "in the. seriès of lectures and *discussion pe- riods conducted during the next three' weeks by Cifton M. Utley, under the auspices of! the Park Ridge: School -for Girls. The second meet- ing of the series will be held niext ,Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock, ing to each of its proceeds derived such articles as. only the actual deducted. SAt th~e annual Evanston Society dren, which has children in the mc clients, thie entire, from the sale of he makes, wlth cost of materials [meeting of the for Crippled Chil- four North Shore :>om jt supports at man, M I T.. U. western join of the SoutJ birthday, of 'avies alreay;has had .1937 and 1938 the party will be in tiis vocational oc- rustic in theme with ail the guests k, and even now is in costume. àet n]~ot hr Mrs. Howard Kerr of Wilmette Conix., who -is spending a fortnlght for.-Park wlthher sister, Mrs. Leroy E. Hall, nounces1 138 Winnetka avenue, Kenilworth' lectures z is being entertained this week. Mrs. subscd r Hall 'had a lunicheon and bridge bring guE party Tuesday; Mrs. Edgar S. Rie- scun amittee, of arrangements- lidge School for Girls an- ýat season tickets for four -e transferable and that if sby chance are unable to ,given lecture they may ts to compensate on sub- ,enings. Tickets may be hrough M rs. Burt J. D)en- dent of the sehool, and ýert. B. Mulford, both of or Mrs. Charles Ware of The Rockiord College club is meet- O'cI( ing Tuesday at 8 o'clock, at the home nour of Min Eleanor and Mis Katharine was IdIer, in, Wlmette. . re ~ae by Mrs. Thomaj art o! the chapter. M u in tneir nonor Dy 1 Andrus, the former. o!Kenilworth. ni makes this progr ing to the memtb some tn 'Cupatior ýs" pu b- ,he . is he best d