wm aci re mu.ing fast. Thuey are only two garnes frorn lst place. The Bungalow took three games from Nelson Laundry and Braun, Bros. 011 took three froin River Inn, Aýce, *Motors.won two from Frank Meier Jr., Wilmette Talors dropped tu o t Shimoneks Service Station and Wil- *mette Theatre dropped two to Wil- mette Battery and Electric, Seott's Morticlans took the odd gaine froin Evanston Paint and Glass. Carl Schwall was the Champion last Thursday. Hie had games of 227-200 and 214 for a serles of 641. Henry Miller had his eagle eye on the bail too. He evidently is trying to make the first tean. lHe had a 586 series with high gaine for the *nlght of 241. You just can't seem to hold some fellows down: Other 20 Schmitz 217-H. Nackel 210-P. Bles- e*r 211-V. Schultz 202-R. Barteli 201 and C. Steffens 200. Don't forget the coundil Valentine, dance at the Woman's Club Saturday February 18. -John P. Wiltjer, WVILMETTZ ALLETS seres entowvi u 1iK1iaflel gain es of 8M, 911, and 82S Te&m Standings won Wolff Iç Wàtt Hardware..*.42 Quinlan Record Service... .39 Tomn Lynch Boosters .... 35 Del Bonnem Tailors ...33 MeDanlel Candy Co...33 Boulevard Drug Co ...25 Lost 27 30 34i 38 36 44 Pct. .609 .665 .507 .478 .478 .379 "WnMN's LEAGIJE By sweeping the series froin Locust Farmn the - league leading Hi-Ridge Market shoved thein out of second place, a berth lower than any time this season. Erickson Delivery with a, ftIl teai again, the first time in several weeks, won two out of three froin Ratny Florists. HI-Ridge Market took ail team and individual honors. Florence Bengston rolling ga1nes of 161-123 and 219 for a 503 series. Her .219 Ame-.i5ct Lr U season. The teain 751 garne and 2,097 Standings Team Won Hi-Ridge Market ........ 29 lierman J. Ràtny Florists. 26 Locust Farm Stores..25 Ben Ericks>n Dellvery ..22 Lost 22 25 26 29 Pet. .569 .510 .490 .431 LEGION LEAGUE .W. L. Avg. Pet. Highland Park Bev.. .39 27 W35 756 Idle Hour Tavern .... .34 32> 662 757 Bungalow Travern .... .32 34 681 829 Hugo's Tavýern ...... 27 39 605 786 Results--sub.... ... ..... High gaine for the week, Eleanor Hloneman, 167; high team three games, Idie Hour Tavern, 2206; second high teain three games, Bungalow' Tavern, 2205; high tèam single game, Bungalow Tavern, 829; second high 4.eain single gaine, Hugos Tavern. 786; high individual three games, Suuie Schoden, 524; second. high in- dividual three games, Kay West, 517,- high individual single gaine, Siusie* Schoden, 232; second.,hIigh individual single gaine, Key West, .198.' DAUGTE ORtN Mn. and Mns. Ralph L. English of EVàfttl'à -ýpfettgofà à tèié born tjdaFbuy 11, at the Evanston hospital. The baby, whoae name 15 Martha Jane, has a littie brother, Lee. The English family will mové into their new home at 1001 Gneenwood avenue, Wilrnette, the latter part of this month. Visiting. over the nast week-endait~ Trier year book Wll appear tmis year, it was announced at the school.. Around the larger, more numerous pictures will .be'sketches inifour colors, corresponiding to the seasoný of the year. A new type of,.division, page will be used., The edfitoirs. this week said, "We can't tell you every- thing, but we will sayý that ail pied- ges for the. yearbook must be, in, before March 10. if you want. to be sure of. getting a. copyý.' STUDY DRAMA The Round -Table Drama club will meet Friday, February 1.7, at 1 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Frank G. LaBonte, 718 F'orest avenue. Mrs. C. S. Jones will be in charge o1 the prograin. Mrs. James Kraft of Nippersink, Wis., and ber baby, James Norman Kraft, Jr., are spendri several days this week visiting berparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Thomfpson, 1311 Ashland avenue. Mrs. Kraft lu the. former Kathermne Thompson. Mrs. Chnpares M M..l.4 ,,171or HEIN2 2026 CENTRAL ST., EVANSTON SPECIAL OFFER N GENUINE 1 5. CANNON DISE RTOWEL, AND i-LB. 0F REOTPéL JNWEL ]FINE COMMlE ora Botm CHERRY VALLEY IMIT Pat 40R IX ROUS DISH TQWEL WITHl verDuso. ~21< Soop 3AES13< NWS STRAWSERRY2 ,rves ..JAR35 A LA KING 14.02. bs ot. . mIZIlJs8IpNLN a tourna», WIT