Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Feb 1939, p. 10

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corne and enjoythegooa urne wi ttn. -On Sunday mornlng in theil 'clock, service, unuùsuaily fine nmusic la promlsed for this pre-Easter season.,.Dr. Allson preaches on thée theme, "What Is,. a' Christian?" There will aise be a par-, able retold for the chfldren. The third > Sunday of February was our hlgh mark in attendance lest wlnter and alrnem- bers are urged to be present to surpass, lest year's record. The Aduit class, Frank Guthridge pres- ident, ls enjoying an linteresting review of Early Church Histoly, coflducted by 01W minster. The subJ<ýct next session là I'Rise and. Significance of Monasti. clUB." whlch. proves 'to be a thouglit- ptkn theme. Visitors are always wse! The . rne ls 10 .o'clock Sun- doÊ,mornIng, so, that parents may ac- ecgWny chilidren to the Church School., fue participation hlas characterlzed ouWgwurreflt elles of Midweek services on Wedtesday nights. They have also b~on tine, t f8 o'clock sharp, rnanY. c=gearlier for an Informai feilow- st"; - Tffl - N w - '$-08gm l1u- 4-ý the Chureli Reuniting?' 1?he work of the recent World Christian Conference at Madras wiU be reviewed. Keen Anterest i religious music la manlfest here. Boys' choir, Girls' choir. Men's chorus, Women's. chorus, and Sen- ior choir have separate perlods of -praç- tice. Both sacred and secular numbers are in preparation. Kehilworth Union Dr. Herbert L. Willet, ininister church of the Messiah, Chicago, wili preach. The ýservice is to be 'followed by a reception in the Parlsh House. Alil members and friends of St. Augustines are invited to be present for this lm- pressive and unusual servrice, which is scheduled for 8 o'ciock' that Sunday eve- nlng. St. Aualstlne's full choir wrn slng under the direction of Alan Stahl, or- ganist. Firat Cngre gat ional John G. Hindley. minister Robert A. Edgar, assistant minister'. SUNDAY SERVICES Church school ...... ............ 9:30 Beginners and prirnarles .......... 10:50 ,Mornlngî worship............ 11:00 Amice Dei. ............4:30 KCappa Pl hi...............7:00 Mr. IHidley WiRngive the second In. the serles of pre-Easter serinons this Sunday mrin.The title ls -You Can sonality.- Théenmusic for the service will be a follows: Organ Prelude--Cantilena, ... ... Dubois Anthem-"Bless the Lord" ...... Ivanoif Offertoire Quartette-A Prayer" ........ ) .....Chadwick Organ Postlude-Allegro, Sonata I..................... Rogers. CALENDAR 0F THE WEEIC Thnurmdav. Fehi'nnrv 16 ices willI be held in Wilmette at the St. Auigustlnes Epi séop al1 Church at 2 ao'clock. St. John's Lutheran Wilrnette andi Park avenues J. H. Gockel, pastor SERVICES 9:15 a.m.-First service.. 9:30 a.m.-Sunday school and Bible elass. 10:55 a.m.-Beginners' class. 11:00 a.m.-Second service. -8:00 p.m.-Evening service. The order o! service at il o'clock wilI incude the following: . Prelude-Meditation .......... .Cap)occi Introit--Be Thou My Strong Rock".........Shac i Anthem-"The Lord Is. .Scrpc -My Shepherd, ................ Florio Offertory-Elevation in A Minor.. .Wely The Sermon--We Preach Postlude-Allegro moderato .......Smart The order of service at 8 o'clock wil include the folllowing: Prelude-Melody in E Fiat ....... Pratt Anthem--Jesus, Jewel o! My Faith" ................ Bach Girls' Choir Offertory-'Lullaby" ............ Vogt The Sermon-Based on questions sub-t mitted by young people an.d others., Postlude--'Festal March . ..Teilman The new series of eveninizsrvcs at that time may bring their contribu- tions neKt. Sunday if they desire. The Tuxis club will mneet at ý5:30 o'clock :in the, chapel. ,The topic for discussion wiil be,. "Higher, and Lower. Lo,ýyalties." Ail the younig people o! high schoôeàii ageare invited. Spoke No. il Winl meet> Tuesday wlth. Mrs. Bernard Hilton, 726 Ninth street, in an ail-day meeting. The next church dinner wiIl be held Wednesday evening at 6:30 o'clock; ,.un.. der the auspices of the Board of Trust- Les. Spoke No. il. will provide the dinner. *The two.speakers will be promi. nent laymen in the -Presbyterian church of the Chicago area-Milton Myers and. Mr. Edward Priebe. Ail the members and friencis of the church are invited. The Girl Scouts wil meet at the church Wednesday afternoon. The Boy Scouts wiIl meet at the church Wednesday evening. The choir will rehearse Friday evening ait the chutch. On Friday, Februar'y 24, there wiiI be , Union service in commemoration of the World Day of Prayer, held at St.. Augustmne's church* at 2 o'clock. The Rev. John G. Hinidley o! the Congrega- tional church will be the sbeakwr. The ývices are alike; two being.C uc nodate more worshipers. Bible C uc general thenie will be: b86 Elm street ýent Portraits of Christ The Rev. Howarcd A. Hermnansen, pastor he complete schedule of ronanother page. Friday, February 17, 8 P.jTn.-Teacher ra on . training class; 8 p.m.-Bible fellowship MEETINGS group prayer meeting. today, 8 to il p.n. Sunday, Feb)ruary 19, 9:45 a.mn-Bible F.,riday, 1 p.m., with. Mrs. school classesfor aJ.l ages; Il a.m.-.ý 611 Harvard avenue. Preaching serVice,. "Studies in the Book fIP or this group. Ù oneo the rouflast1 The Pastor's Communicant classp.I ss râlctonn ardi growlng. It meets et 9:30. oclock, and The Righ Sehool EPWorth league meets. li i Ires - op I idés La It 2- the f r fPrayer KA .4

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