One- of the 'outstanding. programns for the day will be- that presented by- Lumn and Abner, noted radio rural team from Pine Ridge, Ar- kansas. These popular funsters will devote the major, Part of their reg- .ular program -to a serlous discussion of the' international friendships of Girl Scouts and Girl Guides that .zp nt .n a l *Knthe ,n,.Id Koehne Plhoto James Edward Baker, son of Mrs. John Clark Baker,,347 Maple avenue, WilMette, waqs retentl i n- formed from Washington, D. C.. that he had been aocdfrôom at Nortnwestern in 193. H le nasý for* TROOP NEWS several years acted as executive offi - Troô 4: uesdy afernon, Fb- er of the 28th division, Chicago. ruary 14, Troop 4 entertained the second grade class of the Methodist Suriday sehool at a Valentine party in the scout room of the Methodist K nl o t themselves. a series ýof six nature lectures Folk Dancing: The first meeting Mrs. Theron Colton in the mont] of, the folk dancing, group was held Februar. Four will be given at the Congregational church base- the Brownies antd the Scouts, ment on Thursday afternoon under two for adults and the Scout 1( the direction of Mrs. Ross Moyer. ers. TÉhis is the first of a series of meet- ings at which the girls, will learn. The local cotineil of the KE many English foflk dances. wôrth Girl Scouts met Monday, 1 MÉirsbacn,1 and Marguel FERRUARY 19, 1939 Su.b>ect: MIND READING ROOM - I13 3 Central Avenue Opzn Daily (except Wednesday) 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Wedneuaay 9 A.M. to 7:45 P.M. and Dorothy Rose.