- - - - 'a t.4C n. in.,c Ruth Crary Clougb, one of -the mnembers, bas two poemin the current Bozart-Westminsterý; one i the current Garden Glories;'one ini the current Verse Craftý She, bas wvon one ,ëfirst prize in the Ted Malon dai >ly-tcontests and six second prizes. lier poen, I"After Winter" won third prize. im October Verse Craft. Her ..... work b as been requested- for inçlu- mion in a n u i b e r of anthologies, Moftett Photo Kay-Hart P hoto based ýon menit only; among these: Thomas J. Carney, 1155 Mohawk road, Wilmette (right), whose pro-. Muse (the Poe celtennial)-;Lua motion to the presidècofeaRebkancmpnhcgomi Trent's anthology of LoV*e Poemns. ec fSas obç n opnCiaomi and Ralph Cheyney's Sonnet Anthol- odran eal lr.wa nonced.this week, and Theodore, V. ogy Amrian ome Pets 139;, osr 2 se road. Keniiworth (lef t). who becomes l'ice-president Calliope's Gifts;» and Ted Malonie's :in charge of merchandise, Amnerican Album of Poetry.-- lier poern for Louise Ayers Gar- Theya'satrbsrduto nett appears in the New Book of the chrjs'rsatr i 'rduto League of American Pen Women, of Mn. Carney werit to work at Sears as- Churches which organization Mrs. Clough i an extra hand ini the shipplng noom __________ chairman of poetry and of markets. during the Christmas rush. So suc- Mrs. Clough is also chairman of the esu wah ietblhng n "Love" was the subject of the critlcism conimittee of the Chicagoceslwa heietbisng n lesson-sermon in ail Churches of Bookfellows Poetry circle. orderly system of merchandise handi- CrsSinit nSnaJn The North Shore Writer's guild ing in the shipping roor .',.ew years à ry 29, will bold its annual manuscript day afterwards that he was mnade head, The golden text was, "How excel- nextmonli.of the assembly section. Stili later lent is thy loving kindness, O God! he was instrumental in çievising the1 therefore 'the children of men p~ut ----- -.. ~ ac.~.4 ~ ta P Idphia as operating man-0!io;nc altites-it was the best en- br iGd joyed lby the institution in many a ager, and rernained there to become br fGd day. general manager, until he becamelthis commar da.vice-president in charge of operations. him, That hi On Friday night the freshman- Mr. osr a graduate of Iw his brother ai -sophomore and varsity basketball Stae c usee, jie he Iasor- The lesson teams turnedaway Proviso. It was ganization in 1928. 'He has partiei- the followinl the first Suburban win for the big pated in the supervision of a buying Chnîstian Sel( boys, and the fifth for the cubs, as ~oeswib ntelttdp1 n and HealthN Ilngilanu rark.ý Te tea wi'l provide an oppiortunity ortenew rnembers lot.the commit- te to meet thé necently elected oéffi- cens' of the board. Mrs. M4alcolm Ross Byron .of Lake Forest bas, been appointed chairman of the board. Mrs. Veeder is vice-chairrnan; the treasurer and secretary' are Mrs. I. M. Pettis and Mrs. Lawrence Rob- erts. Mrs. G. Lyle Fischern of GIen- coe is the nepresentative thosetn to attend tbe meetings of the Evanston *Council of 'Social Agencies'. * The medical djirector of the Evans- ton Birth Control committ ee, Dr. Marie WesseIs, will give a short resume of the film, <'Why Let Them Die?W which the committee is spon- soring at the Hlaven school, Evans- Mrs. T. R. King, 2950 Payne street,, Evanston, Dr. Wessels' assistant, willive a report on the work done ,at the clinie which the board main- Stains at 802 Main street. Rer attend- )f nnce records show an incr'ease- of- 1- more than two hundred visits dur- ing last year, carrying the total for 1the year well, over the five hundred t ark. ýt Mrs..DeWitt. Davis IIT, formr se every' one that oethis 1Be Leciture Sutq)ect and knoweth God. And On 1riay evening, February 3, 'ciment have we frorn Mrs. Ruth Moffett, of Chicago, world e who loveth God love traveller and Baba' i teacher, will so" (I John 4:7,21). give a talk to a group of friends -sermon also included at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John, 9 passages from the Haggard, 2439 Birchwood lané, Wil- ence textbook, "Science mette. Anyone interested in hear- with Key to the- Scrip- ing this talk will be welcome. The ary Baker Eddy: ',The subject of the talk will be var5nhic __________on "Pump