Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Jan 1939, p. 73

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for Dur. Ullrick was neici in thie Girls' club roomn. Dr. Ullrick, who was a member of the American delegation, said: *"IÉ 15 myopinion thàt the United States bas adopted a much saner policy towards the South American coun- tries.. "Trhe countries to the south of u'.s have resented, to a certain degree, our Monroe Doctrine because it is too paternalistic to suit them." *"Reference to.the Monroe Doctrine by the. American* delegation- was. carefully avoided. In evýery.way the Amnerican delegates tried, to im- pres upn tosepesent that the UJnited States wishes .to cooperate, -hot to, dominate. In creating a friendIv attitude towards the United States on the part of the South Amnerican countries, Secretary of -Stte 1*uIl -did an excellent icee of work. The results of the con- ference were indeed gratifying.Y Twenty-one students applied for mnembership in the Gavel Club. Sev-ý eral committee chairmen weré ap- pointed: Dick Merkle, chairman freshrnan membership committee; Ted Lewis, c h a i r m a n sophomore. mnembership committee; junior and senior chairmen have flot yet been'- appolnted; freshman program chair-1 Bernice 'Stein Winner 0Of Prize ini Oratory On Thursday, January 19, at Senn High school, Bernice Stein of New Trier High school placed.-third in the annual Union League club ora- torical contest. The public speaking classes at New Trier will now turn to the next contest, sponsored by the Your Lehle Photos Chuc.* Wells,, lef t, is a member of this year's freshman-sopho.- more, swimming squad at New Trier Township High s c h o o 1. John Clark, right, free style var- sitt, swimmer, distinguished him- self, last Saturday, in New» Trier's victor?, over Shorewood H i g h school, Wisconsin champions. Debates for the New Trier High schoo debate teamn for week ending .January 28 include thé Wheaton tournament, Friday, January 27, and Saturday January 28 at Wheaton col- lege. Fifty teams entered. Students selected for tournament: negative team likely will be com- posed of Bill Dodlds and Don French; affirmative, Seymour Stein, Ted Carpentier and Ai Grossberg. Week.-Day Dinners, 75c SLuncheons, 50c, j M'onday. Januery0 Lucheon SOC Old Fashioned Chicken Pot Pie Braîsed Tenderloin Tips with Fresh Musbroomns Baked Pork Tenderfoins sinothered ti Creain Fluffy Fresh Musbroom and Ham Omelet Choce of Two With the Above Hlot tntrees: Puree of Jackson Soup Parsley Buttered New Potatoos Baked Casserole of Mixed Fresh Vegetables Whipped Potatoes Buttered Green Peas wtth Cel.ry Molded Tomato Aspic Salad SPECIAL COLD ENTSEU8: One-Haif Alligator Pear filled with Fresh 'Crabmeat Saiad Bowl of OysttrStew with Chicken Salad Sandwich v.aC**U, u.Saza, jJeJVLAUIAII, £1DUsIactoru A i, AVr -re or 'Orange Sherbet Compote of -Stewed Fresh Fruit Beverage M@uday. January 30 Diamer 75< Puree of Jackson Soup Fresh Oyster Cocktail Chiiled Tomato.Juice Chiled Frappe Julce Iced 'Pineapple Juice, Fruit Cocktail Topped with Sherbet One-Quarter Roast Iowa MiIk Fed Chicken, Baked ýe An- irig ranicis I at iuý M.

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