lW'e Specialize in Personud Service" MRS. FULL ER& -WM. PJCKARD Twf!)Of/iées lois Chicago Ave, EvAnston Gre 720 -WII. 730. 744 EIm S.,WIunetk* WIn#.30 Vi.74 of frleflds 1'that he coutci aiways go in the real estate business." It was a last resort, that was true, but nevertheless a tangible comfort that was onle short step removed from the odiumn of unemploymeflt. 1Today the cycle has moved a round situation reversed., In its present highiy complicated and professioflal status, even. a failure in -the reail estate business 's eems assured ot the quaifiatinsof success in any oth- er line. Peerhaps this is- an over-staten'kefit but t he fact rernis that real :és- tate practice today affords oppor- tunities for the broaàdest education o a practical, nature. Certainly the old-time ni isconceptioli of carry ing a real estate office under on&s, hat is in the dimn past. No one famliar with the struggle that real estate people have made to professionalize their field%v ould credit this advance to aiiythllg bûYt~ organized effort. This effort is syn-i- bolized ini the National Assoiation of Real Estate boards, which for- rnulates and fosters ail progressive matters that affect general real es- tate. - The local boards which operate ini every 'city and town o! impor- tance ini the cotintry- are pledged to the advancemdflt of real esýtate and fluring February, hundreds of foresighted folks will be drawingt lines on scratch pads; working out designs, and arrangements for their 1 spri 1ng gardens. Try jt-it~'s a useful. winter pas- timre. D raw hedges and clump s Of shru bs. Sketch in. trees and ever-, greens, rbttr tll ake pa- per patterns Of themso. you can move them aàround. Find outwhich of your many ideas appeai. to you mo .t. How would a littie pool look, in that corner? Put 'it there! Or > would it look better over here? Does that terraceseemr to look just right.. or wôuld it. be better to' -extend it a littie further?. And while youi're.working out a thousand details. beware the pit- fails of inexperieflce: Is that spot too shady for tbose evergreefls? -W tb4ey grqw too hiMgh? Which of the hundreds of varieties have you selected? Is that fine. tree piaced where' you %wýilI get the rnost goodi out of. it? Finally, when youve got things just about the way you want them, call in soi-e experienced person to help you niake your final decisions. If you do this. you'ii be able to ýstart your actual work as soon as i o! hias more tnan 1 this statemnent In the last two years there has been a eonsiderable increase in resi- dential, building, *both in connection with the townS aàlong the'Lake, and the Skokie Valley developmneflt. ,In many instances -the propertY owniers are lookirig for boans with whîch to helP f inish the buildings, somte lbans, being o! thé type, where the, smallest, arniounrt of original cash lay-out can be .figured upon, and. others. where theý rate of ïnterest and commission is far more importan t to the, bo.r- rower than the' amount o!. equity cash involved; One point,' however, wvhich seemns. to be overlooked. by a nurnber, of builders, re.al estate. men and property owners is the. fact'that, attractive. interior lay-outs providing for ample çbo set, space, good sized bedrooms, ample wall space an~d proper r o o m arrange- ment, have a great deal to do with the1 va-lue esfàb1ished by the mort- gage appraiser. Any survey will disclose that the items just men- tioned, plus exterior arthitectural appeal, are the prinçepal factors in, residential salability. Interior Lay-out Vital The rnortgage man naturally is interested in the proper valuation ýf ail of the growving sea- can be sure that the hm hc he is being asked to finance, con- a usect fLi, corner. 50 ft PRICE $54,9ý niodernisqe and Save $ SSS WC aiso mette OCASH rellew as inerely a trade association con- jfo %vaste moIonUUV-rallu 'lSSt:la, LU Ut -L..----- cer'ned chiefly with establi.shing comi- erything will work out smioothly'. .nientionéd e 1 e' m en t s is lacking. *mission- rates. Ini reahity. an ac- I Yoll be assured of conplete satis-LThere %is a decided tendency on the. ive board of realtors is one 'of flic faction. part of sorne builders to ov er eni- strongest and ilnost influential forces.'paieetir sgn n.mn- in 'a conuity I imst be ob- was one of the niost active, and mize the importance of interior lay- vious that as' a coininuliity prosperS las publicized, in the board. Chie! out. and if there is one message and grows-. likewvise wiii the 'real es-'consideration %vas given to the zon- which we would con vey to the1 pros-ý tate interests. Consequefitly, the past ' ing problètiis in'the Village of \Win- pective home o.wner. it Would be few years have witnessed the broad- j eingscpe f raly bard t del neika where every possible assis-: that many hoies are flot built for enith almost f ailtybad od andpa liisiyesi okn fu h nw hncru and ivi lie. hase coniuiîytance xas given village authorities re-sale. purposes. but there is no one an,*ivic li*fie. out the probleins peculiar to tlbis stances rnay arise 'which will maie WinConideceRespDect 7,M itii.ircirmninty In Evanston, necessary' the sale, of our homnes. nom 1ditions and relations in th M3 1 tion industr. ti*9 Rx During 1M38the Zoning, iers' itr - - - and budge Tr ea l Est e bor d h - -ne the for:' While the Ra saebadbs on is be1n 0 iOofficiai mnotto, its objective is per-'dividual or salgop u owr roving con-'haps best- stated by PresidentHer- sensibly and honestly in the promno- e construc- bert C. Je.pks: , lion o! ideals that will mnert in- Weare organized. flot to promote creased public_- confidence and re- committee Ithe ideas or ambitions o! any in- gard.- 411 Lèwm DOVENMUEHLE MORTGAGES f A N U o , t' 2 Oü 1 1 l spring comý .1 1 of the l3roperty - invo ve and U he