Cie an Automatic *gtngup on chilly mornings te fire the fïînaceM-nstead . .. just set the thermostat .and relax to the complete enjoyment of health- fui. evýen temiperature' al winter long. Why flot investigate the possibiIi. ties cf installing, Gas Hleat, the only fuiiy automatie fuel, in your home. Ask us for a ifree survèy on how littie it coûtsý! Cook ,With a Modern Gas Rtange! i fere are new per- formance features, new time and labor-saving, conveniences galore. All combined. te give yott asecleaner, cheaper cooking. and baking.. . tliriiling per- forinance that's ýyears allead. Cone in and inspeet the manyý makes and styles cf modern Gas Ranges now on display. Wve guarantee )you'Ill le thrilled! IModern AutomaticI GASI i rom naving pienty of hot water for dishes, for cleaning. baths, for Dad's shaving, the lauindry and. dozen, of other hütusehold lises always ready day or night, a the turn of a tap. Special rate for gas watér heat-, ing now saves yoii from 26 to- 40%-/ over. previouis gas wter heating rates. And liberal ternis make the purchase price for the equipment easy to meft'! Plan nw tn eninv the convenience of Servel EI.ctroluxI food protection, but extra advan- tages and extra savings as well! Th at's because the Cas Refrig- erator freezes with neorneving Pa rts te wear or cause noi se. Thus, you e n joy permanent silence with low operating and maintenance costs year after year. No .Wondër theus, ýds, aresWing- 49