Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Jan 1939, p. 46

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*west ofthtie Indian Hill club. is. 0 course, approa ching 'maturity. 'Howýý- Sever. last year several hundred flowvering crab-- a.pple, and ha%,- thorne trees were added for partic- ular efTects. Except for tjýis. výerv littie %Vas needed outside of, the usual. m r.aintenance work such asz C rass cutting. prunîing and general rn Geor cdean-up ,-.ork. Se-nec, Transform Lairge Area bu4 Wz! - Br'oadreado w'Properties. à- the T. Clif-..fH1ilan ibr ne- .e, archi- corner o iiad ibr.under went acrplt rans--orrna ýion. Several thousand shr-ubs. flo-eerina' crabs. hawthornes, adexuhnev. el ms and ash, trees to o~ ut a n, 'thin spots in the plant-ný. xere put in this fàll. This selec::sr± c ffl- ering types of pla~tn+ -.M in a fewi, years, produce a',ver"ab!e gar- orn. ~ den in the spr ng cof th ear. -v tret. To supplernent ther'M.~ t Wv. G. tiractive' lighting fixrures and Liate-, J.c C"m as syldafter thrse a- ilîrs bug ere erected. Ai' 6f the roads: 1!v. wr e given' a macadam surface' and 1 plied to Apple Tree road a-d tpart of Broadmeadow r o a d. A' certain amount of park,.ay grading wv.as. 'accomplished a n d this summrn should see completion of this finish * work. hI the transforma~tion cf thi-s prop- erty from raw land to an, attractive- 1'..1andscaped unit. they have put is th greïjt stress on the selection of na- c 01(- tive plant 'typez thatý1 have bc-en Proven bv experience. In hi Lestie H. UlIrich was design- er and i buder of this six- roo'm Georgian 'residence at. 610 WaylaUnd avenue, Keni, worth. this overail planting in 'the property the unIýty and character of the corn- munity will always remnain as in a well developed Park. Build Attractive Home During the year a very attractive- colonial house s erected in Broad- mneadov: Properties at the * northwest corner of Apple Tree and' Broad- meadow roads for Burdette P. 'Mast. S. 'S. Bemnan was the architect for. thist rèidence. and also for the resi- Earl Weinstoclk of the Winnetka Coal &' Lurnber compafly, 594 Greeni Bay road. Wirinetka, long established in the North Shore area. is having' *an extra busy sea- ______________son since, the be-_ ginning of the. New 'Year. In the first place the co.mpany is buisy a ss is t ifng prospective cl ientsq to securE 4homnes that, are easy to, own." carryiflg on i .here. it le.ft off i in 19 38. w hen * tbrough FH.A it did an exieptional Earl Weingtôck- businesin fin anc- ing mnany srnàll. homnes. 'Anotheiý Phase of the business, trio. is 1-eeping the firm bi sy. That hasto o wth he construction and occupan=yof new coal yards at Nor*hied tinue at the Green Bay road location, 'ENGLISH TYPE HfOME The 9-room. 3','->bith home of S. E. Carrpbell. 600 Greenwood av-enue. Kenil%,worth, is of, En.,lish architec- ture.' air conditioncd and gis heated 1Its; cost was $21.7-50. hefinishedpase stage. At thi< rate. he should be settled in. his, nev: homeé in a, few months' Urne, A contract has just beeri sigýned. for the purchase of another residen- tial site in the Woodley road dis- trict. Construction sh'ould b)gi n v.-thin a short'tirne on this property. Durinig the year James . Cunnin - ham and' John Nash' Ott added to their present holdings by the pur-ý chase of additionalI strips f adjoin-. The year 1939 should reilect the residential building activity which occurred in the latter part' of 1938 in. other large cities in the country, Georgian Colonial resl4ence at '2g14 Greenwood avenue, WiLmette, designed by Ar- nold J~ Weil and built by the Arnold Constrwuctonlcompany for Mnr. Hai'riette Coalender. ras~' Arflstla Eçoaomical Daniel!IV. Maher is t e-r of tfts inine-rol)T gian home at 1051 roqd,' Wflmette,.buit vo"ra and A!rnqust. ford Noonan vwlas th tedt. roms t 1173 CheMi Wi-nnetka. BuP!t b'i Tuqg!eS ssc IM~.Z the plns o0 -f Wi!liam nors, t is CQw7led. bu M"rs. Albert J. Hot'ret r,'o't Show 1

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