pointing the way toward lthe fulfilirnent 0 f' t he se expecta- tions. A stable, highiy restricted community, i t s *steady .develop-f m e n t continuedl without p a u s e during the past j *year, accordirg to O r v i iieG. Daily, vice-presi- dent of Franklin Real ty ecorporation, development of this 0. G. Daily sponsors of the area. Prices of 'vacanitIand in the*East Estates are. rising. due to the steady. dernand. Familles, are particularly attracted by the fact that ail utili- tics. are underground,- >eiiminating unsightly overhead wires. ancd are pleased also with the curving roa d-- .ways, the attractive la ndscaping ai- ready installed, and the substantial sizeof honesi4tes offered, -alc wvhich combine to give a park-iiket efT ect. Ail Homes Modern, ~ Consideration also is given to thef fýact that in the East Estates there are 1n old improvements. Al homes are miodern, the -great nia- jority are occ upied by the owners and the -building restrictions have encouraged' a pieasing, architectural resuit. Building lines assure each home owner of a piéasing sweep of iawn,~ with plenty of space between hirnsel and his nei.ghbor.' Because - of these factors, and the inderesting9 valiues offered, the East Estates is receiving increased attention, ac- cording to Mr'. Daily. Arn the homes completed and occupied by owners during 1938 were those of Mr. and Mrs. GeraidF. Pauley, Mr'. and Mrs.. Russell A., McFadden and, Mr.- and Mrs. George F. Hartnett. The Pauley, residence has an east frontage ofî 95 feet on Paw-nee road and the natural charm of the home is great- ly enc.hanced by the unusualiland- by and -- g *ý ** ****** cu ****uruct *ion t Uein sbIIUIlIy. Others' who have purchase d East Estates' property and plan to build their own homes are, Albert W. Meyer.o Chicago, Allason N. Clark of Evanston j and Jules R.. Herbuveaux of Wilmette'. EBodwin,, mc*., :a .Chicago ýcorporation, has noW comnleted the white brick house of regency design at 931 Pontiac road, nldng seven. roomns, two and one-, haif1b aths, and is offerinig it for sale. Already n 1939 a, substantial residence in the East Estates has been sold 'and. several transactions are pending involv- ng vacant property for home bui.ding. « If present. activity continues, it is. Mr. Daily's belief that construction, in the' community during the year wiljl run well into six. figures,. and, probably, will exceed that: of any previaus year. - Fastest Servie Full Protection to Brokers MortggeLoan, correspondent for Connecticut Generai Life Insurance Company, The Ohio State-.Le Iinsuragnce Company 10 15 W. MADISO.N STREET, Telephone:1 RANdolph 5656, CHICAGO 1~ Aý,LVLISETTUNC - FORYOUR .NEW HOME .111. Il N 1569 tgu, -