Real E state: and Building nal ~iU wtk /e lor Sore in /939 198Building ,TowrManor eeomntiBjlwTà1kP InTonshp IsOffrs Ideal Home-.Sites Su4iiLs Near 3 IN'ilion The Illustration o n Cover of This Issue Depiets One of E ight Hall of Year R e c o r d s S o w ro 0u n ed tes dèn es n ort ier W î rne kaShow $ 3 2,0 74 ,92 1 T otalin Su b. Dirop From 1937 Activit'; Illustrated on the cover of ti -uria BuldgDu annual Real Estate and Building and hall with hand hewn wooden Iur New Year Prospects Good Number is one of several unusuallY beams, wood burning fire awn a~ oesTtl*1,6,0 attractive residences recently com- floor covering of asphait tile.Te While building activities dur- -Plee -C .reaniro hebsmn sde- Ne%& building in the Chicago su- ing 1938, in the four villages of Wil- 7 Hemphill and As- voted to heating plant, laundry andbuanrgocmrsng6rert mette, Kenilworth, Winnetka and soitsh hi rigro.wt a-ing commrunities iflcreased so great- in the number of permits issued, subdivision in fired witer air-conditioningsystem. recover over two million oaÉf and vena ltti moe i th. ttalWinnetka. _ Decoration of the main first floor the s i * milliono cost of the improvements. ah more. -- building, costig $ ,8 795 ,a s com- pared to 1937 totals, of 480 pèrmnits and $3,962,219 costs. 119 For New Homes 0f the 358 permits for the pajst year, 119 were for new residences, .valued at $1,581,,965 as cornpared tol 174 residences, costing $2,962,970 in 1937. Wilmette had 173, or better' than 48 per cent of the total .perrnits, and in the new residence classifica-j tion. built 64, or bhttfer fhan 5 nr C. A. Heînphll Fi ve houses have to date and conis others is schedule date. Modified Frein The. house illustri 1 ejoration. is'feaeld odokjf~*L~Â or 1937i, a falling, off o! s f naeledwodwrknearly four million dlas u northeast corner i pastel shades wÎth wall surfaces everlamrn, but'oeo hescn of Twer ando! bedrooms, and bathrooms above hal! of 1938 showed an increase over East Green .Bay tule, papered in latest designs. Baths th corresponding .month o 97 roads, was re- are tiled in colored tile in newest the total for the last six M of 1937, cently divided. effects. 198big$1,9,2 nfrthe o been completed One of the features o! this resi- 19a8me peruod 0f93,21and or32the- ;truction of three dence is the -total of, fourteen closetsI cember had the largest gain of the0 .ed for an early 1-the final and complete answer tolyear, the perznits ,issued ini the last nch Desiguthe average hôusewife's complaint month amounting in 1938 to $2,886,,. naed Digfnd- of inadequate closet space! '963 and in 1937 to $2111906. with «exterior of i- - and No vember were -.vJ, as ompaiUJ a reduction o! Jwith eç. ,e than one half imately the relm ýd on page 29) Ji Pol