UýOOKSHOP C 1"akO LIDRANT stautIUfly ReoIy.Fulnn'y and Clever VALENTINES Invitations, pIêc. çoads and taillfr t he Valentino Party Orringt» NoHel Idgj. Gre..0227 William L. Ba1ley, professor of so- ciology at Northwestern university. He has. been at bis, task, for thirty years, and expect.s to:bave. the com- pletely revised manuscript.re.ady for publication this spring. "ýI was astonished:when I began, this work*," Dr. -Bailey said, "to. find bow: juch 'of the realistic detail of the -Gospels ha s., been. oinitted in trànslat ions. by theologians. The four books are concerned with ail sorts of. sociological prôblemns- sex, crime, taxes. politics, labor. psychi- atry, the family.' There bas. neyer been such a ýgraphic exposur e of the evils of society as the Gospels. con-, "Dit h ers 'and Jitters". by> Cor- cerreit. funnij book on the The very wvord ','Gospel," be said. seller iists of bookc.'stores. Imight be translated -into modern Sk~i nner won a large folio, idiom as -Youd be surprised," and withi "Excuse it, Please!" tbe' lapse of tirne making the Gos-: big. Dodd. Mead & coin par pels an.a chronistic. Dr. Bailey be- I the publislier. lieves that the cycle of bistory has______________ made them extrèmely pertinent to our day of imrperialism and pagan- Bess Streeter Aldrich ism, and can "give the dernocra- -cies a vision of social reality whic'h Novel About Ponreer will realize x'hat social classes owý,e tô eacb other." Sonig of Years (AppietonCE is the first novel from the *"The conservatives who first Bess Streeter Aldrich in.thr 'anslated the Gospels a haîf years. Not since Ap best miss wing Her rtain-. rny tS With the permission of -The New Yorker," "Stage," "Country Life.' "You." and "Chatter," Dodd, Mead an~d company bas published in book form a. collection of Cornelia Otis, Skinners humoro,.us sketches enti- tled Dithers and Jitters. Despite the fact that the author belongs to the famous, Skinner 'stage family. a nd, is ýa favorite in her own right for ber stage and radio mon- ologues,- she is astonishingly like the ordinary run, of humnan .be ings in ber -mhental reaictions. -Not a par-, licle reticent when i t cornes to talk- ing about them, and a -born artist at, enitertainiing',and amusing any- *way. Cornelia in Dithers aizd Jitters becornes hysterically.funny at times. Satire on Memoirs Setti.ng t he stage.for several hours of nonsense, the book, ope ns. on a note of satire-a travesty on thé writing of memoirs by females wbo hold salons, know everybody worth knowîng, ftnd theffnsëles irresst- bly attractive to the other sex. and feel tbey simply must taik about it. INot many: of Us (let uis> bop&) write memoirs.* But rnost of us do -entertain business friends from. out ýr of town. try to arrange flwwers. af'- tempt to identify wild birds from ?ntury) mariuals on ornitholog.y. hunt for pen of the important stars a'nd constella- ppeon an ions in the heayens. indulge in cock- !*czieipf W .ciff1-tr ?,',trI ?f i hVf out part of this stimul9ig hought in C'ame fon Forever. Miss Aldrich has bis English translation in tbe fif i \written a story of pioneer life in teentb centry." Iowa. The Gospel stories were originally Depicting the years .betwý,een 1854 wrîtten in the vernacular'of the da. .and 1865. she unfolds an accourit conipoed rf raraic- ad sang of the eternal struggle of the pioneer Hellinistic Greek. and eeitn-against the elements. Tbree char- ed as "news flashes." rather than aciers stand out: Suzanne Martin, eitber fiistory or literature, in Dr. one of a family of seven daugbter.s Baileys opinion. The autbors hiad ad w sons, her father, Jeremiab, o.idea of writing book~s in our 1Martin. a pStriarch, stern and loy-1 wbieh force us to stand aside and let men do a lot of things for us that we wouId rather do for ourselves. Conceit of Men Miss Skinner likes to make and poke ber own fires. read time ta- bles. and dial the radio pirograms' berseif. Men,- unfortunately, tbink they can' do ail these better than a woman. Like ail the rest of us. Miss Skin-. ner -bites- on ail-ad for a corre- The ýold. manuscripts had no, man to whom. *Isigt unseen lization or punctuation and no gives her heart. Thie Younger ns. into chapters and verses." was published January 17. earlier novel Forgi passes, wbicb wil Mvr.' -Douglas's Us Our7 Tres- ýr Fay-Biiter. You look better- see better when your eyewear is styled witlh artistry and mode with. 't E i .Lantierii ýý In ý Ëf er "alla -ýanu 1