ABOUT 'THIS HOME! Located atý 590 South Ave. in Glencoe's mnost exclusive residenti district over- looking, Skokie Golf Club- grounds., Rose brick,.5. delightful bedroomns, 41,' baths, htd. sun and'-Scr. pchs. opening from living'and dining rms. 2 gar. Owner selling as.he bas purchased, larger homie. See *SE.ARS REAL, ESTATE. Excllusive Agents 421 Richmond Rd. Kenilworth 52Ë88 147LTN36-tc Charmning Design-Winnetka 5 BEDRMS. 3 BATHSý-$1,500 Owner-built, brick home planne'd' by prominent architet. In popular Hilli Rd. section on fine wvooded lot. Bookrm, sunirm..' terrace,. firepl. in nmas. bedrmn., sun deck, ou hèat, full ingvlation, coi- per screetis and"'downspouts. alf in ex-, cellent condition. Be sure tô see this unusual opportunity. BAUMANN-COOK Exclusive Agents * 553 LiconAvenue -Wietka 3460 147LTN36-tc Within Walking Distance cf gradm school, hx.gh school. trains, lake and stores, is a modern brick house of good design & fine construction, ideel for a family with growving children. 6 bed- rms., 3ý' bà., library, sun .room, cil heat. beautiful yard - Cost over $50,000 a few years ago. Owner will se»l under $31,500. SeiA and ofler. QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. 584 Lincoln Ave. Winn. 177 147LTN36-tc ga. uu8,5. i erms witlI reas. cash. Mr. Tarnowsky. THE BILLS REALTV, Ime. 510 Davis St. Xi. 3740 Gre. .1166 _____________________147LTN36.îtc NOW 18 THE TIME.TO BUY TAXE. OUR WORD:.FOR IT. 826 ELMWOOD AVE.- East Wlmette Modernized Kitchen; 2 new-bathrooms;l neiéw hot Waier radliators; new G 1. E.. Oil burner; new heating plant;. crn- pletely redcrated; riew lighting fix- tures; -- NEW LOW, PRICE ý PHONE 507. KENILWORTH, REALTY CO 147LTN36-ltc *IDEAL HOME Wakacrosls street to school& church-. 5 bdrms. 2-baths. Beautiful, breakfast rm. overlooking garden. 0i1 heat, excellent cond. Near àil trans. Owvner moving vants offer. Caîl Mrs., Hedgcock for details. THE BILLS REALTY, Ine. 510 Davis St. Gre. 1166 Wil. 3740 147LTN36-ltc NÉWLYWË»SOR ÀÂNY. one desiring a charming small house and beautiful grounds at a moderate price - Living,-dining room combination, 3 bedrooms, large screened porch. Priced at $12.500. Might ment at $80. QUINLAN & TYSON, mnc. 584 Lincoln Avenue ..... Winn. 177 THE. LOCATION 0Fý roômnbouse in Hubbard' of the best streets; will ju the amount cf money it put it in such shape 'that Owner has cut to $10,000 for quick sale, this fine 4 bedrrm, residence i S.E. Wil. 2 becirms. on each floor. Lge. yard, property is in excellent condition. Automatie heat, cail Winn. 1801. 147LTN3-tc LI VE IN THE COUNTRY, BUT WITH cîty conveniences. We, offer charm- ing white Cape Cod house, picket fence. Moderh. 5 rooms.,'2,baths. ThQroughly insulated. Gas, heat. Garage. Sunken pool. Lovely trees.. $9800., Glenview. FULLER & PICKARD.. Winn. 3603, Univ. 7444. 147LTN36-ltc OP EN FOR INSPECTION S UN. JAN. 15, 2-6 p.m. White« brick, "down-East"ý Colonial. Owner-built by architect.. 7 rms., .3 bdrms., 2, bs., ec. mm. with -fire- place, den!,lav. lst fI., 2 c.g.ý of brick, scr. PC ;$500 cash, $125 a mc., all inclusive.Hoyt-King Realty. Wilmette 358. 147LTN3(iltp * FOR SALE OR TRADE.: Complete modern home on one ofa chain of lakes ini central Florida. Ali electric; furnished;, excellent condition. Illustrated brochure. 147t.TN36-4tp OPEN FOR INSPECTION Sunday, Jan. 15, 1016 Linden Ave., Wlmette. Frame, Dutch colonial. 8 rms. 4bdrms. & bath on 2nd fi. den, maîd's rm. & lav. on lst fi. Equity over H.O.L.C. loan Very reasonable Must seil. Cali Hoyt King Realty, Wilmette 358. 147LTN36ltp WOR~TH $14,500, NOW $9000 Modern 6 rm. home, near -L" and- steam. Atrractive and unusual. Must seil. AIso fine list cf new homes. HILL AND STONE WILMETTE 1644 * ll 3- 9 FT. VENETIAN BLIND. EXCELLENT condition. $10. Cail around' 6:00 P.M. Wilmette, 1452. 11T3-t 14 FOR SALE--FARMS A REAL INVESTMENT Desirabiean successful farrm of 2Ô5 acres near Harvard, Illinois. Present .owner retirmg after operatmng for about 70 years., Attractive' white homne cf.9 rooms surrounded by large trees in beau- tiful setting with background cf about 10 acres of wocds. Accesscry buildings include new chicken house ýand corn crib,' horse bairn, gM'ail cow -barn, grari- ary,. machinery. shed and garage. WiIl show cash ncome in excess cf $1500 yearly. Farm is clear. Will take smaàll cash. payment and mnake. very easy termms. Prie only $14.000 ($70 per acre). Personai property. at samail adlditional price.. Shown ONLY byr appointment. E. SAWYER SMITH 725 .Elm Street, Ph. Winnetka 3500 164LTN36-ltc I. CASH FOR YOUR USED FURNITURE, rmodern or antique, and oiher house- hold articles. Will also accept your furntture on consignrnent basis. CROST FURNITURE STORE Established 1898 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ui. 0189 172LTN39-tfc FOR, SALE-ELECTRIC RE'RIGERA- tor good. conxdtion seil cheap. Aiso double bed and mattress. Carpet sweep. er. Very reasonab1e. Wilmette 5300 be. fore 6 p.m. 172LTN36.ltp kitcneni, bDeaic!ast. nook powcler room With celored tile lav. 4 large bedmooms one. with sun decke 2 cclored tile baths. Recreation room with fireplace. Prîce $18,500.. WM. H. WRIGHT & CO. 921 Main St.Gr.88 147LTN36-tc BUY NOW stone and brick )t with added 30 ft home on ft. ripariai. le bas., h- WHY DELAY .When you can buy à 6 room Dutch. Colonial home E. Wilmette near Lake and L. for only $9.500? Caîl us for fur- tlher information on this and other good buys. MILTON E. REID & CO. > 156 Creen Bay. Rd. .Wlinn. 19 SACRIFICE $9,000 6 ooms.21,'2 baths, htd. pcmch, in fine Winn. location. Winnetka .269. 147LTN36-ItpC LIST YOUR PROPERTVY - SALES OR l'enl 151i ilivoth 5288. 147LTN36-ltc ETC. - ______________________ PHONE EVENINGS Wjlq FOR SALE-VACANT __________ VACANT BARGAINS WUhvSE TISF01 rSkokie Club, among new homes- -7.00x17. No reasonablec cice 90 ft. froltage for. $5250. or Pure 011 Station, Fourth and for $3500. I roon awa, $50 F ée E. Grant, Glen. 844 147L36ltpý 130 uly j.Cail Wilr .11 1 1 .L -17.a wrD. ro isuy