*Daugfters of the Amierican Rev- y olution and one great event in " the ]ives of seyenty-two memn- * bers of 'Willianm Dawes chapter Qf Children of the Amnerican Rev- ýMrs., William H.. Pouch, of ýNew Yonrk City. national , Siesident -of C. A. R. n ondî n rganizin'g Fecretary general. of, the Junipr Group miovernent ofD.A. R.,. will be in :Evanst!iii.x She will ar-rive at 3 'Sunday after- Poon to bhe the house guest of-Mrs. Reid R. Bronson, Fort Dearborn re- 1 gn.The visitý wilI be a busy'one. * ~From- 4,until 6. Mrs. Potuch wilL be. DHveP ilie ,uest of honor .a t -a galheri-ing-; Robert Chittenden7 of Hubbar <f the four groups <Senior. Junior, Woods, president of the. Senio .Hi2hSchool. Intermediate. and Jun-. group of the Willian Dawes chap ~r' f Wllim fawe chpte of ter of Children of the Americai C. A. R. meetjing, at the home of Reotou'U rsdea \Tîs. . . Vndccok. 033Pane gathering "of the four groupà- Etot. 0.Evanon. k. 3 .3 P . the chapter at a meeting at thi Mrs.i ' 'Vanderook will be, assisted home of 'Mrs. E. O. Vandercool nyMrs. VnTh oa C ra.prsdet 3033. Payne avenue, Evanston bv Ms. horns C Grv. pesient f roli,'4 to -6. Siindayý Fh'e ôcasý <f the chapter: MTl-s. E. M': frush, is in. hollor of Mlrs. William h Mrs. M. .Sadn.ad 'rs J F Ponch of Neu, York City., nati.ona Robert' Chittenden of Hubbard esetofCA.R Woods, president of thu S&nior group "-'Éf Wiliam Dawes chapter of C.A.R.. w ii résde Th to yunerBoard of Trustees Head g'psof the chapter will lead fi saliute to the flag. John Morris qndloA d ssV sr Elaïne Burket are flag bearérs. The Cu f,)llow&ing children %vill take2 part in Miss Helen Kenyon.' president tilo prolgrami: Zed Reddish wlll give, the board Of tr-Ustees of Vassar c BAHA'IHOUSE 0F WORSHIP at Linden Aventie and Sheridan Road, Wilmette ~ -~ -- -~ t Don't ie them oail aWay! PAY ALL0F THEM! OW! Wifh a LOAN f'rom CONSUMERS CREDIT CORPO Compar-e Ôur Rate and, Save 85CHICAGO AVE., EVANSTON.. GRE.*82 rioto n ,a -i., H. ai, of > Announicing the Openingof Gene's BeautySalon 9 03 Li NDEN AVENUE *'HUBBARD WOO.DS -,WINNETKA 552 tI, ccrdon. visso~,in uoarci, WantAerican thè ~ ~ "c acrin DikBD 4.wil lboard of 'conmissioners 'for foreign pla ad*sig ant1akr isisions. Miss Kenyon. while here ge a violin and a. piano solo. Mrs. for the conference at the Congre-! E~rlJ. oopr ad br to SnSgational church in Evanston Jan- Jack andBob will offer 'a trio. Mrs. !uary 22-26, wilI speak before mem- Cooper at, the pi.ano and her 'sons ' bers, of the North Shore Vassar club laying th.e violin and the cello. Win- Friday-, January 27. The place of chei Hawad villa to ian meeting will be annouinced later. n umbers. \VIiI Lbt: st:iveu. day, Monday, Jan-y ronson, Mrs. George i N OAtNflflflfl . .A ....:l t lutin erh of Ch eek '& Himles .~o l'uis Lad.Wilrn etté, MISS LILLIAN YLITALOi Here's Opportunity!l Drastic IRecluctions on SPORTS WEAR fr'om "'Abe Lincoln in Illin~ois." Mrs. Earl J. 'Cooper, chairman of Mrs. George E. Hiscott, 2420 the Mountain schools group, and Grant street, Evanston, an .organist, Miss' Barbara Crampton, chairman Will. play the composition of her 'of the Page group, have been asked sister, Mrs: Myrtie M. Bridges, en- to preside at the refreshinent table. titled, "I Pledge Allegiance To My Music is béing arranged by Mrs,. -Flag." -Miss Katherinie Swenson, Cooper. 714 'hurch, College 'Evanston -i j Il -: