Makes Plans for ts Perish Dinner r*r ~ __ ~ hie at S ~ t <:J:,2r:ry * . n& f--~ rna7~- - t.- -~ - ~ .~. CaL- ,f ~ -- -~t~'T - -" -~r. - - - - ~-- <' ~r-~ ~-~- .'rz ~er-~ -~ ,. -~A~~~---- ~* 7 -- - * -- ~ f*~-; -- r r~ - L'- -~.c-z - -e--.- ~ ,--J~.'~ '~ ~- ~ - A- C r- --e '~r-~-~ - - A ~-- - 6---- -- -p ~ ~-7§~.Haci ssah Prograrrn -. , - p 4 ;i- v j-- .--..' -z .~~----- ---E Skokie Hop.f ully Pian~s Winter Sports Carnjval ~ sntre rt'rf -'A _ Tells of Trovels r~de.d nd Arane Po'zmsf r . A. . v. Rading G AIl-Day Session -r~..r~-yea rrettng s 'A ert V.j ;ýw:I e : r- Worr.~r.~club . itt' era.hsl ,MrFtEdwa.,-rd J. L- 1- f. e.e fede~t~ol o!Illirîo.i 1d:E-t. s Trur..nF.Crea ger. ~c-rsdent ri! the rorthern r eg i r-n'. NMrs: W î-2-a G, Suhers, eia:ncir rna. nd.the prýesçdent5 cf thle rs: è 1eev e r; itcs il e sc The rMmr esir.vlcirver.e at 10 r.'clojck .w.ith greet:n. gs by Mrs <'Thrnmas J. O'Leary. Jr.,. pres:dent- o! the ho-stess cl-ab.. and respworns-e by MrsF.. Henry Rhc>de. d.:stric'. rres:.- dent. Mrs. Paul LaRose. dist'rict music SchaýrrImn. W.ill intrc_,d-uce 1Mrz Er-- 1 lec- net F. Pe1hin of îles Ce--~e:-. gramrr,- knov.n concert pianiis,. wýho w-,.-Il rer- ?a !. der several selections.Ms. B. F :b:eCt. Gridley. district.ciairmn flf educa- .\ýe tw t':(on .' w ifl présent NIrs. B r,,tus A .' 5! thýe McGee'. an outstanding exponeflt on. ? next aduit. educatibrn, wmho' wllI speak on a: 2 Aduit Education a Safeguard of crden DemocracY." StS T The chorus of t he Rogers ParkI: (-oMan s club, M,.rs. Samnuel . Ross. director, will open the aflter- noon session. after w-hich, Mrs. Shcore-o&grafs Drp E r ea-dLn ru fFr Dta~m r.a:ercf Dau-gh ers Of a- -=~nth nrng at the ho=re cf Ms. ZcryJ. 5mztJh, 8041.Ju;dscr. .~. a'rardand MrS. Harrv W. The cthed rp ilreta AIpIi Ornicron Pi Wil Devole Program to Books The North' Shore unit cf Alpha. 'tir n PI al um nae m et --. Tues- day. January 10, at the home ,2cf Mrs LV. Stephenson. 2426 Central Par- a venue. Evansto-n. A bui7ét stutpper wa.served bv the hostess and her comrnittee at 6:30 o' dock. The program wvas de%-oted -,, book, rev ie %vs. Mrs. E. W. 13,eîmfc--hr. whô F. Ehrhardt. He .cornes tw Skoke Wecinez from the Highland Golf and Country home of club~ in Indianapolis, * and 18 said to in EvOJ have had a wide and varied ex- i<ent ai perience ini club and hotel work. service. oj a be U Evar JL. ganized and has appeared at Chicago dances and campus plays a varied group of selq featuring its trumpet section.