HoId Luncheons on Tuesday and Friday The six divisions of the Womi- an . s.guild of the Wilinette Parish Methodist church, will mieet on Tuesday and Friday of next week as follows. Tueýsday:, The' First division wl have a* luneheofl 1neetinclg at the home of 'Mrs. R. Wallace Mitichell. 1707 Lake avenue. The. Fifth divi- sion wàlhave Mr.s. ýL. H. Hanavàlt of 1344 Ashland avenue, for its luncheon hostess. The Sixth division will be enter- tained, at the, home o! 'Mrs. C. A., Wheeler, 265 :Wood court. Friday-: The Second division wi%-ll mreet for luncheon wiih Mrs. Williamf Harridge. 1440 Forest avenue. The Third division' s haStesS xill be NMte. M. G. Van Winkle of 313 Park avenue. The Fourth divis ian's luncheonr m-eeting takes pla.ce at the 'home of *Mrs. Robert P. Bichl. 228 E.-hee-h street. The hour of! meeting for al the divisions ôn bbih days :s 10 .~1c The divisý'ions are ain plans.ý for the spri-ng run-magýe Sale anid 'Mrs. Paul Rer.szch is in charge c,! arrangem-ent-s for collecing articlIes of clothing and furniture from ihe homes of, nmembers .and friends. *Two rnonthlly pick-up dayS are p'Lannc-d. the -o Saturdays al- Lng the general Guild meeting and the Divisionl meetings, respective'y. Higli school-boys are assistixig. Plans are being perfected also for a Reciprocit--Y tea ta be -given .ýn February 7, gues-.s being w-amnen A! other. churcheés in- the, village. Anta Wllts Burnharm Mrs. W. A-.-Pu~sey f 2300 Litcoi fw m r' Park West, Chicago, will. entertain Of W ffi n sClub the Kentucky Society of Evanston and the No-rth Shore on Friday, The rnembers of the Wilrr January 20, at 2 o'clock. Mr. Garden. club will be guests of Charles B. Nelson. has' charge of the program for the af terflOflanfd Womnan's Club.. of Wîlrnette will introcl>uce the speakers, bath Wednesday, January 18. memnbers of the society. n oi ning progra..m a t 10:.45 wil Mrs. ilenrx..E. M.ason of Highlanld ,,dLce"b rs le Park, whose family w-Ias one of the pioneer families of Chicago, wîl oead"ItrainlF give. a talk on ",The Early History of ship ýGaýrdens," an iîlustrated Chicago." Mrs. ýPusey will read. a ture by J..V. Stauffr.: at 1 papr o "he ary Hstry o clock . At 2,,Dudley CraftsV Medicine. in Kentucky" from "h Book of Grants of Mediciife';in Pio- son wilI ti k on ".Old Trea-s hv hpr hus- for New Hones.. Assisting hostesses -wîfl be MrS. Melva Gartin. and Mrs. J.' H. Wvlls Shawnee Dances At an informai diiinerSünd' Danes ae>sheduled at Shawnlee Januart4 8, 31r. anid Mrs. C. 01 Country, club both this week-end and Main of 826 Greentrood avenue.- next. Saturday eveniflg. January '14. WiZ mette announced the engage- the N.'orth Shore Fortnightly group m1ýent of their daughter, Doro- will hold the next in its series of thea. to Arth.ur A. Woernler. sont of _Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. parties being hlId ini 1938-39. The Woerie of81 Oaurod ae- folloiwing ,,week-end, Saturday, Janu- oe aLs-ýofWi816ette. ios aen ary 21, will be the .regular monthly. atzendied Beloit college. formai dance of' Shawnee club. A Woeýie. fine orchestra is being engaged for Woe.ne. astuentofLake Fo- est college. L enbro he par',,-,ai-d there xiii be a flour Pi E.psilon p-a!erniItyi The d e.7 S1.O,.- tmýte date fo te edding -c-s n, b e . C. A. R. Juniors Enjoy Bobsled Rde 4 hrvoeJno rdI:rrei aie mernibers of Wilhianý Dawes chapter. C.A.R.. enjoyved the récent -holiday bcbsled ride December 30. ini- stead of their regular meeting. Re- freshments were served ait the home f Mrs. T. --H- Kay. 2310 Thayer îe.on The ill be ieno - 1lec-. 1 :4.5 Wà*: -- tions for luncheon at 1 o'clock - be mae v onda-y. w-'th Mr. Virgil Wê.icott, the club annour.Ces. The Garden cluib hais received ie - tices of two series of winter lc'r- of great .iiterest Ici garder.ovr (1) The '-Morton arboreturnY' -ive a series of one-hour lecture in the M\emorial Administrat' building at. 8:1.5 o'clock at :1 There is no admission chàr.e. ~- ttie progr-am of the 1ecture-s nounced in a sepaýrate a rtic1e magazine. (2) Annette HujytFlnr. inent landscape architect 'm York, xill be presented by G ' C den Club of Illinois in asre three lectures onl the tapie. L:- scap.îng of Small Propertieýý.'J. uary 30.» and 31. at the ParL.- House. Admnission is free ta grde club mèmbeùs upon Iheir pe~v tion of rnembership cards., A fcte will be charged ita nn. , "o e 17 The progran- will be: Mna a. uary 30, at 10:30 'clock in:e mxorning,. Deýsign» 1and at 2 î i,.e afternoon. Cxsrtif.Ted:. January 31. at, 10:30 in the r ing, "Planitin." Those wishiig re se rva:n lunicheon .will senld thera ta Mrs. Cameron Aspley. GLirdcen Cu Illinois, Palmer Holse. Cc1- c *Friday, J mary 27. Greer; Ifrs. John Whalley; Mrs. and i7rna. George Siet>el; Miss Eleanor Win- Keuilwori ter; Misa Betty Kettlely; and Mrs. Voters. John O'BriezL It is expected that very act. Many members will bring guests. America. .e North Shore this weeic ay is lecturing for the *League- of Womien ýss Kohlsaat- bas been in the Garden Club of wiU be one of t shotcing., new est childrefl. ~eJoy miodels ýes for Miss Smith is pledged to KaPPa Alpha Theta sororiiy. Miss Burlir- gamne. a pledge of neita Gamma. is chairmanof the state of Illinois for. the..Century élub. Mannequin