OnIy Attendants AttIerded b,.-ber eleven-vear- old çiçter arid. er four-year-Old. cousin. Miîss Peggy Janet, Way w.v&s arried December, 31. tb Jaes L oen, Jr.. of Lorain. Oho. The service was read.by Dr .Sariiuel Harkness at.6. &clock a-- the home of ýthe, bride*s par- e r..Mr. adMr.George, A. Way. 344 Locust road. Winnetka.L Làter. Mr. and. Mis. Wayv gave !:-e _wedcln dne at the Geor- pian hotel. the guests being 'rel- atvsand Lon frienids of the -,---de and bridegroom.: Pa-tsy An Way. thee maîd o! honor.ý -Cd -Mar v Ellen Harkins o! Detroit- -h nie !ier girL-,were dre-ssed alike p ir~ rinessfrocks o! butter yeZc.W t-ffeia. and -crre TFench cc.c'.ýa1 bouquets o! rnixed flowers.- The bri.de had cbosen a gown of Wthite satin,.;--z bodice smocked wîtb crytal drops-. Mer fingertip taue velwas held in place by a tiara of -he iner l her bouquet white roses and -àhite carnation.:-, Ie floxv e hc. er sorority and the bride- grc.ms fa*ternity. She was a Chi Orrmega at Miain-i universit!. and Mr. Benwas a rnernber of S-Imma 'Nu Mirs Dawn Herbuveaux. d;augýh4, of r and 'Mrs. Jules R. Herl)u- For Her VVedding veaux. 2516 Iroquois* road. was a bridesmaid 'Monday of this week.at m iss Jane Updike of ! .a the weddirig of ber cousin, Miss Constance Craits of Oak Park, to ton was married in an afterrc George Jarvis Platt o! anitowoC, dreSS or-f àf fuchsia crepe. a mrat( Wi.: The ceremony took Place at ing *hat ,anid matehing sz1 i p the home..of the bride's rnother. r» nst;S m rs., ,Zinaý B. Crafts, of Oak Par k, audyatrnOl-'h at 4 oclock. with o fl nmbr becarne the bride o! Kari Gec, ihe familles present. Kemnpfý of Shawnee Country ýc1 dinggownof vbry- chiffon 'taffeta and a veil o!Catly0ae h mnaid of honor. Miss aryv Hamilton Joh ,nson, of Oak Park., and Ms Her- buvealux had t&affeta-gowns of the sar C esign a ha o te bride. *ssJChbr.sorn \wre fuchsia taffeta, w:h rlý cin taffetaý and velvet bows riher head. and Mijss Her- buveax ~ 'n madonna blue. * P1 ý- andI his bride vil go Mr i. !rs; cl Bpno Son 0 3r.cand 31-S. L nCC-- r; rPlttd .s.~dce . e iiete o's Br a iulae CS." wLS cflg * Phi De'ta. fr ex ý~e ioon Orge, club. i rch: inSt Evaston. Shelcoarr i a co- loEnial oque ! ich rrieando acaia, cdgqe f in eather. an Rer only atedndhatMrs.Bees folr Beck, ternat-n o hrs. s fodessed ine mer]dogrec-no ý-elvet with matcing meacessre nd car- rwied matcolonia bsouque ande. cr roses and heather, edged wil'- aca- cia. Mr. Beck was Mr. Kempf's best- man, n h açce?5in: and1 a corsage o! ran - uinculus were chosen by -Mrs. Wil- liamn Updike. mother o! the brido-. while Mrs. Emil, Kemnpi o! Fre- To Entertain Circle mont. Mich., mother of the bride- groom, wore black, crepe and a cor- tne N-eihborhood circle -of the. sage of green orchids and daisies.- C 'r a:oa church wl hold an The ceremony was performci at aUdymeeting Tuesday, January 430 o'clock by the Rev. John Heuss ;-1- 'e home of Mrs. Philip H. in the presence of relatives and a :-cy-63' Lake avenue. The assist-fe nmaerids Imeael ~ hcsteseswil 'b Mr. Mlesfollowing, a reception Was. held at MpMilpu rs. Emma Butz. and the home of the bride's parents., decrac'r.5at *nie Way orrie. 'wiere amarble fitceplàce and a nù-rrOr - ~-ded 'the backgrounld fo--r the senv- :cce W-hleroses 2and carrnat~or-.5 -eeued on the *tables at the wed-, din ci--ner. Mr Bower: a d bisz bride are, ~:or:.g :hc,,gh For- da a-nd wlbe at hcme -in Athe-ns. Oblo. l-ate next, we4-ýk. Mer familv inoved oril-yre- centŽy toWLinnetka.. their ne--borneý baving beer, couple *ed _"n'Sepe- Lutheran Comrnittees' Secretaries fo N4eet ýA ezg fe ee.:e '.. crnttees -h ne Woris socet c!neW'1:me'te Luieran cburch -wlU be *-eld 7Turszd;ay roni-ng cf thiz week : 10o c.*- a :* c- te borne Cf Mr-s- John McNA814 Keeler ave- winter sports. They wiu1 Evanstort and have taken an. mnent at 224Maple a,%venue Fren*Ch-CanadîinPoet Speaker af D. G. Club The Delta Gammna Nohr of the active chapter at Nriet ern university is lookin.g fcrwvard te) A. D. Albee will discuss the trip_ tOHll House. Plans f< trip to the Juvenile'court an Detentiofl homne will be annol and *oqpics for study assigned. The nex: ziee:ïg1 :cIf nli e 'M Iýoad c'rcle v:11 be beld 'M: January, 16. at nie home of Frederick W. Sbefte. 640 street, Kenilworth. et r ~e'e. :he w cr-CtOfl O! Bou'enS at "Ose aMidil sororittU and il.- may t a ismall home vedn.Tbhe 'clck wed ldia4? place a- 4:30,- * ~~. iwdaafternoo,,n.Feb- aidwïU b folleoN-ed by a receptîOrl.