()f Worsl2ip. Wum!re;' and Suniday. F ruynis ad paneldic.ISOS were 0rane thé consideration of vaflOUS a5pectýs rý eâch_;n9 means t'e :wýýrd seci.rity aý:-nd the cneessof the huma-n race. LawP-.irence W. LaRocque of Oak Park. chaimno le~ts~ ai Baha ç cyn:~e recde at the ses -%S~LzSS Fbrrer.ce Mtb~ Bahai Y?:u*th c-_rr.m:-téee. was in, charge c ttarargerCrnt.- fOr the' prograrri an.d paisWifred Bar-. tan. frrr.eri!y a re--,en. -, Win,etk3.. lrilw üof ChicagD,. was -ne cf - __- 'Reid Three Meig This ga*ther.g-, -as re fhe held byý the Baha" Yr, th of the inted Stào.es ck ý'-te sa-e we~ end. 'Tbe ohr,:ee~.g ere held * in Sani Frýarnceisç0an.d New YsrkCt. One o! the p cpa tekest the Wiùnre*-te meietin2s wa MrE. Do,-r-Y Othy Baker r,! L-im7a. . a descen- dant (-,f Ftenrry Warr-4 eect-ir and a- mermber ro! the NtsraAs szen-'u1 Of * the Bh s o rie' t es :and Canada. Th.e -z.- ng ~: wre -r-.ained at ----=S n :;e'eL:g r..he home cf Mr an.d.MsCa:-' Hasýne. 536 Sh er -da n - -d.W,_,rn e -e. Th e eèvern,;- e-,;:n c nPrcbIe nrr , f o!od - erriy tlwas 'e*:d ir- '-e Harner. homie. GUNests in Homres The youthvsessiýcfSclsditzh publie imeetn in ,jF7c.at:riHal of the Baha'i Hruze of Wrirsh:p. .&mnday atr.of t3:30 ',.hen. Mrs Baker addressed t.he aud'ence Ne,%% Trier Pupil M'in Get S,'cieutifie A-ward Shw bcret~ c'u'~L.MNi' 322 G-een ': af enue. Witmette, tr,~nhedar Aap~iC0.Mexto. ~ri: :wsaf he -,qWe large sailfl.sh C-0 Tr: 'e:V~~rA . tG-- ai theirii.r andaf ine uilv sCe.ýs jv e year a t ÇC JcagO's Third Arinual Na- tional B~oat and Sports show, -to be held Februarv 26 throughMarch ,5 at Navy Fier, Thomas J Lynch,. departmeflt direc- tor, who isa rresiderit of Glen- T. J. ]Lynch coe, announices, Director Lynch states the exhibits will feature7 birds and fur-bearing animais rais ed.at ,stateéarr.. i% 4 fish,.found in Illinois waters. and a forestry display. In referring to.the forestrv ds play, Anton J. ýTomas(_k. state for- ester, explains 'the exhibi't .ill at- terrept to'bring out, the activities, of, forestry and feature the division's %vork in ;reforestation of abandoned strip mine areas. He adds- that tlarough the cooperatiofl of oWn,ýers of these worked-out mines, 300.Of00 trees have been planted during the past year on sucb Iands. Ruth Sagrer Eleted To Phi Beta Kappa Miss Ruth Deborah Sag-er, 501 ;Laurel avenue. Wilmette, ,;,as one of Resutue Discussions '.S. egreeat the Winter Conoca- . O f C r e a i v e W rit n ortion D ecernber 2. She is o nie of 16 0f Crativ Wr I residents of Chicago and vicinity and'*zcib \ho were honored by the society. C_ Ssçribri-o She was one of seven in her grad- Th' m -v rngsa, the High- uating class elected to the honor' ar n Pa Y W. C. A. where a sec-,gop ond - -em en.wes has opened Dr. Fay-Cooper Cole. head of the, ýne he iaesi of Rowena university's Department of Aithro'- Bas~it Berr.t.et and lecturer. pology,. spoke on "Race" at the in-, Th e grupmc.desr sorne who pub- itiation. Announcement of the elec- ': r: ; týn- rna aazines. as well tion of students to Phi Beta Kappa Unit %,o. 46 ofth, ion ,auxiliary will * . eeting at 8.15 night, January 12, Maso'Uc, temple-. --- - Fia. __________ president, Margaret Doherty: secre- y mEriaE g- Wiam Morton KinneY, 126 Ab-, mr. and Mrs. Guy Packard, 1240 tary. Donu1 Hassen; and treasurer, hold eian reglrigo avenue, Keti.worth, is in Forest avenue. . let on Thirsday for Judy Hodges. Several short talkS o'clock Monday 'New York,and other points in the'New York City.Whethrthy eeginOf the first point of the at the Wilrnette East for several weeks on a busines .ý will visit friends on Long Island dur- law, 'Seek Beauty,- ti.ing. their week's visit. -Fannie H-aysenScribe