bers at an oartzti tea al.thetflb oi h -nt ~ei~s~ ,ege at 4 ocLock -frfday je- n,-o«i aiy t-> Jancaxy . l a-citfL«d. it -me. Tech'-b , waz eoegy nozec basvbz-y tcz :917. bas becp i tin Creat- do and - ge w'-e Vel She cu :ng bahp oa if.dfa-r for- a :y:e7 e.edr~ ai Ca-----e, -ofEd=--tei a--Id bas a--- v;e-ws hav-e sr sisied f e=mers aff.the IrtC- - __" ce fmmie-.a - 1- a , -.U cr - ?-dýc .r, k ded zig hete s c~a-e g..Crrsar telh.~ Sooe Kir..a sdert rK::a arÀeç.- Chsa a A:te pres -derr. clu be- cra-eS2OCD - ~ee st ~ -I ts NcAf t Che oeag#, - ..poOO CC e -»-- -*r- - f SOMas a El::----.~ Ters ',eL ac _ýfu --ý z z,-.-.- Ž.- m- GecE7 ------ - - iwedby a Georgian bridal pa: ing at the weC Joseph Byrne. 'eddting oreakfrast otel ini Evars tcn y and I immediate amilies. Oflicat,- wiIl be theý Re%. In the evenînrg a receptironAfrr rn hundréd and'fiity relatives and ci.ose frind wilb held at 141" Sher- man avenue, Evamatifl. Mij-ss, BredoW will be att-endeci b- !Niss Margie>Jans of' Evanster.. mi Id 110! honor., anid- three bridesrna:ds. ýMîss BettylHaiiderrjf Chicagr:. Miss iGeorgene Krispin of vr t~r.and' Miss Marjorie Kneip o :n~e sister of the bridegro,5mý *John Krieip ot WUiete, h-.... '"e his brother's' best. mari.rv gas, * ushers wifl be Clarence Kra-iz ar. ,Wiia -nJohnson of, Wî;e' and Jerrne -Jans of Evansl.r.. N> : -'i.~SU%-DAY ,CLUB, SPEAKER ~ .x. W~'e:4c. ~ Dr Reir.hrqld Niebuhr.1' - :~ Ce:-:C:-- :ar.ty.speaks at tJhe Ch'car- S"'- * *eda% Everiý lng c1;b in Orchesta ,-A -x. :~. . ~- Jnuar15 onThgsYeOh- '-Do and Do Noi D,_.- He w~b e -. 2e-~r: zrcdued b,, Cliff!ord W, Bvr- eS. p-ezider.t of! he club. Sta t 11 of Cz:eclzosldoakiu to Be Forum iiTopie: Hin duis IsSpae Plan to Attend 'M.E. -~ -.. Education Sessions - k.hzL.Fu'Mer A 9*5 erth ~-e.and s.Daniel SteL-:ker.- cf c- :.:: 23E-hhsreet. both a! Wilrnett a:iise e exprec*ed ta attend *the armua. -- Jng o!cf *he BoDard o cf ctir .f -e Mthodist Episcopal Chu~rch Cn-c-c.Februarv '2an 3.c C a.ra Benee Baker. merrbers cI me MUSIC. Ée faculty, %,Mil esjde a:lthe CDege o! Deduc tabla id the ,oca1 diaf several pmza selec be * cr Sege Clafs wM Ise-m i additi to a 1 - tunieby 24ec enwng lbe . , i. hi scboo" and oeditra eik m « 17be -: -- FOD--egII A \cr=ra Davizs and CR wi Ginnell college, Gri wer* ouegiuests Iast lir. and Mrs.. W. J. Gen kimd an