Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jan 1939, p. 51

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thne id .reni )-part- n en- gfor e by LI5e pumic VEHICLE - Every device or animal by which any persan or property is or' mnay be transported upon a street, alley or public highway. ROADWAY -That portion of any ai- ley, street, :or public highway between the regularly esàtablished. curb. Unes, if any, or if there, are. no.. regularly estab- Jished. curb -lnes, then between the two outer edges, thereof. 'SECTioN 2. OWNER TO OBTAIN LI. CENSE> (a) Required: From and after June 1, 1939, every owner of à bicycle exeept a dealer in bicycles. who résides within the Village 'of, Wilmette, Illinois, shail obtain from the Village Clerk a bicycle license for each bicycle owned...1 (b> Procedure: The Village Clerk, up- on approval by1 the Chief ' f 'Police, is bereby authorized and directed to ,issué bicycle licenses. An applicaticin for ýa bicycle license shall be in wr iting, on the. formn pres3cribed. by the Village lerk. Each bicycle licenst-, when is. sued, shall be effective until th'e 31st day of May next folio\wing the date of isu, or, kpti the liensee shall sel or. transfer title ta the bicycle, wichever event first occurs after the license ie issUed. . () 'License. Plates: Every person who procures a bicycle liceýnse shahl receive a metallic license plate, together with A registration card. The, metallic license *plates and registration cards shahl bear' consecutive numbers, or combinations, of letters with numbers, shail indicate thé -year .for which issued,. and shail have stamnped thereon the name, - WIL. METTE". The license plate shall also, be of such size and design as ta be read] -j--ar-ibegers t halbeU. uvvu 'rrasnget for the consideration BD-ali'1House' of Worship Saturday lawfui for .any person operatig. a bi. of world problemns and needs, as afternoon at 2:30. Dinner for the cycle withmn the Village ta carry anather well as ways and mearis of pro- young people wiUl be given a h person on the samne bicycle. Thbis re- -a h striction shall noj apply to, tandem bi- mulgating the Baha'i teachings for home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hannen, cycles. universal peace, security and the 536' Sheridan road., Wilmette. The (e) Intoxicated - Drugs - Ridhng: 1 t establishment of a "New World Or- evening session 'wiIl be held at the shall be unlawful for any persan to der .Hannen home. operate a bicycle withiný the Village dr while under the influence of liquor or Similar conferences are being held Mrs. DoDrothy, Baker, of Lima, drugs. sf ighs obiyl -hîl~ pr by Baha'i youth'in.New York City Ohio, great-grand daughter of Henry ated within the Village bewe1tit and San Frantiscoduring the same Ward Beecher, radio commentator (30) minutes after suinset and thlrty (30) week-end. . The, young people are anid member of-the National Assem- minutes before.surrise, without a clear, preparing especially. for a series of bly of the Baha'ls. of! United States white;, properly lighted head light,, vis.. ible under normal atmosphericcni symposiums to be, held . in countries and Canada, will be 'the princia tions from the front thereof, for hlot, of ail parts of the world on,February speaker of! the evening. ',Mirs.. Baker: less than twa hundred (200) feet, and 26, on the general subject of "The; bas been 'active in yôuth work Mi firmly attached ta the bicycle, or with- Unfoidment of' World Civilization."i many parts of the country, especial- out- a red . reflector. f irmly attached ta the bicycle, ivhich ýis, clearly visible' in' Lawrence W.Lacqeo Oak" Iy ini connection with the' Baha'i the headlight beam of 'an automobile, Park. Baha';i lecturer. and chairman'Surnmer sehools. for a distance of two hundred<2) feeti of the National' Baha'i' Youth corm- The sessions will be beld until to the rear of the bicycle. m t e , w l t t e c n e - S n a t r o n a :3 w h M s <g) Place . f operatian: Bicy-cles may'mtewlpesd attecne-Sdaatronat33whn ru be operat(-d on sideivalks, provided due ence. . Miss F 1 o r e n c e, Ma ttoon, Baker. will speak before the publie care is, at ail times, exercised by the' daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. E. W.. meeting in Foundation Hallo h rider. Under ahl circurnstances,' the rid. ato.15 it tet WletHus7fWrhp er. shah -yield teright of way tIo pedes. aton 1Secrtah oftre Bimaba'i ue f osh tr.ans using' the sidewalks. Bicycles national ertyofheB a' shall fot be operated on the followVing, Youth committee, wifl be the secre- roadways in the Village: 'tary for the proceedings. Miss Mat- I I S O T Lake Avenue. from 'Michigan Avenue to. oreGIRL uet t h Ui to. Ridge Road. ,' oo fomely,tult h.Un-___________ Central Avu-nue. fromn Sheridan Road versity of Illinois and 'the National to Park Avenu,; College of Education. will have as Ana otelMei Sheridan Road. from the souýh Village alj ni Meig limits.- ta the. north Village limits: Tuesday, December 27, the annual Green Bay Road. fraon the. south Vil- OCATION 0F LICENSES - rmpoUND- meeting of the Wiln-ette Girl Scout' lage, limits to. the not-th Village limnits; ING BICYCLES) The Chief af Police i' council wvas held at the home of Ridge Road. fron the north 'Village 'hereby authorized and empowered ta ad- 'Mrs. J. W.' Sabin, 1609 Forest avee lim its to the South -Village himýrits;*- minister the provisians of this orcinance. Wilmiette Avenue, ftrm Lake Avenue The Chief of Police is hereby authorized nue, followed by luncheon. During to Prairie Avenue. and ernpavered ta suspend for a period the business m~eeting, the chairman (Ii) PikingBicycle s-Interfering with: of not ta elcceed thirty days or revoke lfec omte edhrana (B)cyParkiwn rk-din thé busin ess any license issued under the provisions rorteachmmeepresad be anna district, shall be par'ked in zones affi- of this ordinance, for any violatian there- rpr.Teerprssoe cîally. designated for that purpose. Bi- of, or of any of the ordllnances of the znarked progress in the integration cyle sàl ôt a avtimne, iniany Village relating hi street ti-ffip i n s r, 1î ý record u oI Me daU~t ofissue I of l cerise, ta whom issued, the number there- of and the number of the bicycle frame. ()Licensing: BiCycles licensed under. thýe-provisions hereof shail be re-licensed annually,. and, alsowithin ten days after the rsa.lc ,or transfer to a new owner who resides. withln the Village. .. (e): Inspection: The. Chief of Police 'Shail1 inspect each bicycle prevýiqus. ta the issuance of a licenise therefar, and he May refuse ta approve any. bicycle Whch is not properly equipped or Is in an unsafe condition. (f) Frane- Serial Nunibers: It shall shall move. or in ahy rnanner ierfere with any bicycle which, is properly parked, nor shaîl any persan interfere, or, in any maniner., hinder any person from properly parking a bicyçle, exoept that members of the Police 'Department or Fir, Department may move, or, in, proper cases prevent the parking of a bicycle. -when. in the judgnient of the. policeman or firemnan, his action is nec- essary. in order proipeÉly ta safeguard persans or praperty. (i) Rlght-Keep ta: AIl bicycles, when operated on roadways, shail be kept to the right and shall be aperated as nearly as practicable at' the right hand edge trafrîc,. 4nsofar as tney are applicable.1 created to take. charge'c The action af the Chief of Police iIments for its use. 'suspending or revoking' any lcense. ori impounding a bicycle, as provlded in At this meeting electi( this section, shall be conclusive andi fi- officers and council mer nal. The suspension or revocation ,of. a hield. Mrs. John Clark1 license or the impouxiding ai 'a bicycle shall not preclude the, inflictîon of any elected to succeed lgs. other penalties. provided herein. upoën the 1nolds who bas held, the P Iicensee whose license te suspended' or, M, termns. Mrs. J. P.1 revoked, or the person whose bicyclej le impounded. ;is the new secretary, ' SECTION 7. SAVING CLAUSE) if NMrs. B. L. Mitchell. N any clause, sentence,- paragrapp or P211 members are the follow e, to, ascertam mtat îney ar with the provisions of thii 5. RIDING RESTRICTrIONS). clane nearest the center aof Village ,ay, and shall nat eut the left APPROVEP this 3d day of Ja er. 'No operata! of a bicycle A. D., 1939. ýenly start. slow down, stop or H arry C. turn, without first givng the PRESIDEN'r of the1 signal required by State law ' f ai lmette,1 vehicles teider the same cir- ÀTTEST. S. - Nicholas P.Miller 9 6. SUSP.ENSION AND IREV- Village Clerk paper of arrange-. ion o! ne'w Mnbers' was Baker was Ira Rey- position for Relchmnann Ieadmng Greeki lini New Vork.

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