E. G. liagluncl, i849.im Hay Racki Sleigh Ride ' Martin ]Eeinlch-I 10ý(30 Sunset Ridge Rd. Hardwood for fireplaces Oak seasoned onie year, 64 cu. ft. to a ton $9 delivered. Eack sal and cow ma- nire. Ph. Wil. 452. Gust Anderson 15LTN20-tf c Pedersen's liousehold Rep Service. 370 Haiel Ave. -Gleincoe 1020 inn. 2915 Household aridAppliance Repairs. ,,Weli fiX It"-Prlv. ChaufeurService. 15LTN32-4tpý FURNITURE SPRAYING Also wicker furniture & efrigerators. We use lacquer-_wmwi)etka 3185. 15LTN21-tfc .21 BUILDING AND REPAIR CARPENTER WORK 7 REPAIR, INSULATE, -WORK SHOPS, RECREATION ROOMS. ATTICSý REMODELED. NORMAN HALVERSON WINNETKA 4086! 21TN5-Itp1 JOSEPH KNEIP CEMENT AND MASON CONTRACTOR Specializing - Waterproofing Basements 1714 Washington ave. 'Wilmette 2618 21LTN33-4tpý PLASTERING REPAIRS, BASEMENT CEMENTED 1or limewashed. G. A. Thursby. Wil- ýmette 3387. 21LTN33-4tp PERRY ROOFING CO. 380 Green 'Bay* Rd. Phonie Winn. 3838!j Leaks i epaired. Roofs applied. ( FHA>. JLKIN G. 1 S,( 23A-L35-ltp A 28 PAINTING AND DECOR~fATING S73> offered at rea- sonable rates. Trhis is y our opportunity to'enjoy the pleasures of a wcell-kept home at low co,ç. SEWING MACHINE P EPAIRINQ GUARANTEED -SERVICE Sewing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners and, Radios. Al Mbakes-Tree.Est. BLISS ELECTRIC SERVICE ..' 607, Dempster St. Uni.,6M. Gre. .7177 73LTýN38-tic CLEANý, 01L & ADJUST, $1.50. FRE estimates. Special sale, Wilcox-Gibbs, White & Singers portables & consoles llow *s $19.50.. 1114 Davis St. University 5525;. 73LT-N35-4tp $1-EXPERT GUAR. REPAIR, SERV. ice. Singer, White, other makes. Foot or electric, Seli - buy - exchange, at Millen's Hardware. Wilmette 3060. 73TN3 it 1 7- LOST AND FOUNO LOST GREY FUR-LINWD MEN'S GLOVES. BETWEEN GLENCOE AND WINNETKA WINNETKA 1888 3L35-ltp L A D Y'S DIAMOND WRISTWATCH! LOST ON ELMI ST., WINNETKA REWARD. WINNETKA 459 Gre. -J z', Io" OLlyla deliver. 1OLTN35-1tc .e e9f8àýuMmi pr%ýJrm àl'u il POGS AND CATS I.SOLATNIK ERI VI 4IT LORINGS ALL BREED KEN- COMPLETE DECOAIG EVCE inels. River road, 1 block north of Aiso v washng saringcor Irving Pk. Inoculated, healthy puppies.] .matching, graining,. etc. !Fine selection. Ali popular breeds. Low%* Reasonable prices. prices. Franklin Park 2174. 354 Any size job. References. lT5qt QUALITY WORK ONLY. Wilmette 4288; 25LTN3i-tUp GRDON SETTERS. IF YOU HAVE ~ ,- ~ nevur owned one of these handsome PedesenDecratng o. I black and tan aristocrats. garne, loy'al 80 WCARING APPAREL Boy's-Blue Tweed Sui t SIE16. VERY GOOD-CONDITON. Reasonable. .Winnetka 122. 8OLTN35-ltp MISSES' MUSRAT COAT, SIZE 16. Seal' jacket., size 16 . Bath in good condition.> Phone Wilmnette, 1253. RACCOON COAT, SIZE 16. GOOD FOR SEVERAL Y E A R S, WEAR. $25. PHONE WILME'rrE 142. 80LTN35-ltp. Marain' Clothiig St&ee WILL BUY MEN'S USEI3 SUITS shoes, Overcoats; also fur coats. Best Priées. Prompt service. 742 Custer, Evanston University 23 i iBUSINESS OPORItUNITIES DRAPERY, UPHOLSTERY, AND SLIP- cover business for sale on account of illfless. Giencoe 573. 81L35-ltp 85 LOANS I. LOANS UbLTJN9-tf 87 REAL ESTATE LOANS FEDERAL HOME LOANS LOANS ON NORTH SHORE HOMES Borrow up to 60% of value. Convenient mhonthiy repayment plan over 5 ta 15 years. Deal with a local institution. Full details by inquiry at FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OF WILMETTE 94LTN35-ltp COK, $WEDISH, LIGHT HOUSEWORK for emplôyed; or companion ta elderly couple. NÔ washing. WiI travel. Ex. perienced. -Excellent references. Pull. main 3100. 94LTN35-îte AS CLERK, CLEANING OR -R1AN sewîng,. anywhere ' on, North Shore- Tues. Thurs. Sat. Wilmette andi Chi. cagoa-refs..WriteP.'O. box 173, Wilmette, Xli.94LTN35-ltp EXPERIENý 111 1CED WOMAN WISHES'PO- sition as cook, preparing dirs a: specialty. Temparary or permanent. North Shore. references. Phone Lincoin 8092.94L3-tp 'YOUNG CERMNWOMAN WANTS catering,lserving,zmake hors d'oeuvres or open face, sandwiches at home, Ist class N.: S. refs. Phone Wilinette.442. 94L35ltp PREP'ARE TEAS, LINCHEONS SML dinners. Or cooking in a private fam- iiy, or general in an eiderly coupie's home. Winnetka 2022. COOQN . ... -. .:G L.AT1ND1RY Colored. $3 day, 40c hr. Greenleaf 4375. 94LTN35Itp WOMANPATMIDDLE AGE, AS MAID companion to elderiy lady. lReferences. ,Dorothy George. 948 Spruce street, Win- netka. 94LTN35-ltp iDDlJLh; AGED WOMAN WANTS XAL day or haif day work by week or houx-. Pleasant. References. University 4593. 94 LTN35-ltc C O0 M P A N T O VV . --- l'.94LTN35ltp ITUATION WANTED--MA-LE MiY HOUSEMAN (CLREWH has wvorked for me by the . day for over 8 yTs, bas Mondays and aiternate Fridays avaiable. HIe has the cleaning sensibî lities and thoroughness of a worn. an. I can most heartiiy recommend him. (Mrs.) WM. Ayer McKinney. Phone (early max-n. or eves.) Winn. 1593. u'vn. -SLIP COVERS way. Music Sdi( Winnetka 2277 ien!e. Magnus, 72L35-ltp 'TN,34m4tp 1 [ ýI.A riki4i9b ý -ro Losir . Arto FQ - UMD 1 -