-Bette' Sabu (TheEl Filmied in1 FREE PIONE SERI s' WIL 450'- I IN. PRliZES GIVEN A WA V in Greater Movie Season Club by STADIUM, THýEATRE Contest S*arfs Jan. 5 - Ends Feb. 2. '1939 2nd Prize-$200 in Cash 3rd Prize-$lOO in Cash 4th to 9th Prizes-Each a 3-Month Pass lOî10h to l2th Prizes-Each, a 2-Month Pas$ 13th to l5th Prizes-Each a 1-Month Pass PLAN-The I or Éènde number of ,week. The free book offer is made pos- sible through arrangemnent wjth the publishing -firmn of Doubleday-Doran. and the Literary Guild of America. Each- pati1on purc.hasýifig an eve- ning aduit ticket -will receive a -book coupon. Two. coupons presented to the attendant in the lobby will en- titie the Patron to choose any book. Two aduits attending the theater on book night will receive their choice of any book, it was, explained. Res- çrvation cards. are -availablè at the lobby display, and the first book night will be next Moniday. Crawford BringsSuede Inito Jewelry Realmi Lo~ng etaliheas a stylesetterj Joan Crawford has been responsible for more fashion innovations than a n y other star, with. the peren- nially popular square shoul- ders. box coats and long-sleeved dînner gowns to her credit. Now the Metro-Gold realm and wears Jonrafd a br acelet a n Ja dafi twin clips of black suede mounted with flowers and leaves with her street and. sport ensembles. LAUGHTON'S PAST Charles Laughton, currently star- ring in Mayflower Pictures' "The Beachcomber," which wilI be re- leased in this country by Paramnount once worked as cashier's clerk in the America's number one sweet- heart an~d box-office attraction, Shirley en ~pleý. iback .a9ain, this tirne in a lovable littie '"dit- ty" calleci. 4Just A round the Cor- ner,» opening Friday ut the Var-. sity theater. With hier is James Dunne, as her "daddy," Arnýadai Dif, Bill Robinson, the farnedý tap-dancing star, Joan Davis, the long - legged comedienne, and Claude G. Gillingwater. On the same bill is "The Great Waltz." Tbrill's galore are greeting the public (,ach affernoon and eveninÉg at the Shrine Winter Circus which opened Inst Saturday and will con- tinue with maý,tinee and. night per- formances daily thr ougýh January. 15 in the International Amphitheater,, H4alsted and 42nd streets. Attendance likewise bas soarèed.to new heights, being double the record of a year ago. Officiais attributé this to a better appreciation of the fact that the cireus engages the top* .1wI_ Three entirely Four of the screen's most Sue phase ilb l cessfui actors forgot their curren* et aesMawoll d ri stardomn and for1 eMcoadi one evening re- lived the days of their hardships. ' They are Spen- cer Tracy, Jamnes C ag ne y.Pat *Frank M\cHiigh. ' ho hld a ren- en s for an ée cen ces.reni Jame . Cgney known what. il .1 Jams agey to be Penniless. and hungry on Boda.and .nof subject. as discuss.ed exccpt their own exper ienCes when t1hey wQee, McDn broke a fewyears ago. .11Il - Broadway Sr enade." Opening scenes show the son g- stress, as.a night club entertainer- flaunti.ng G, a v Ninetieés finery. Then cornes her debut as an opera star wvith demure Mý,usette, costuimes' for "Là Boheme,." 1 o v e 1 y fiowing, biightly huied ki-' mo n os as -the tragic. heroine of "'Madame. Butter.- siiceèssful actress MEMENTcostumes which bring, to the screen The caýsi and r"ofTh(, Proý- the sea-,soff s latest models designed, fessor Steps Out- autogr-aphed iire- iespecially for the star.- cording, of Gaile P~sflirst son1c in. pictures îind prese-nted it to her on KID STUFF the çomnpletIion (f her pa,,rt '11 the Gloriai Dickson has invented a toy. inspired by the fact that she's the wife of make-up expert Perc M.NAKES SURE Westmiore. If*s a doll and miniature Pat O'Brien cent himnself sub- i-make-up kit, so children can rnake- scriptions to al bis favorite mnaga - tp the doll, from hairdress to lhp- zines as a Christma-zs.gift. stick. Trirly Great Music andý Romance Teamed With ShirieY's Gayest Hit! Corne Early Saturday 1939'S FIRST BIG Doors Open 12:30 P. M. COMBINATION SHOW! Luise Rainer - Fernand Gravet - Miliza Korjus "GREAT WALTZ Plus Shirley Temple-Chas. Farrel Joan Biondell-Bert Laýhr-Bil1 Robinson "Just Around the Cornr fi SIIALL TOWNER, Glia d Y s ÈSwarthout, glamorous M etropolitan opera' diva, iow star -, ring in Parax2niount's Ambush," is a native of Deep.Water, ýMo. THRSFR1.. IDANCING SAT. & SUN.- IafHUGOS TAVERN * on Skoke Boulevard * Between Dundee,& WilýloW Rd. - No Cover or M.linmum Charge, u-EiSN&Aiai: utENssfi rri Phones: Wilmette or Winnetka 3900 (Del' IMatinee Saturdoy. Sumdoy .1 and Holidoys I Evenlngs -Doors Open of I 6:00-25c to 6:30 Acres of Free Parking Space. in No Man's Land i FREE TO 0OUR PATRONS Moder~~n Fiction *y The World's Forem ost Authors DE LUXE", Constance Bennett Charlie Ruggles -.Sabu P i. u s yGetu Mati" 't I PA TR ONIZE O UR,,A 4DVER TISERS Wilmette 40921 PHIL 'OPEVE CARTOON Jan. 4th & 5th EXTRA aisnes$ M i I Aiso new series card wi Sun., Mon., Tués.,Ja.8.9-10 Buck Benny Rides Again! JWck *.nny-Joan Sennet "ARTISTS AN D MODELS Star ts ,wednesday, Jan. il. Charles Boiyer-Sigrid Gurle and thé beautiful newstar HeddyLaMarr la -'ALGIERS" card. jiiy.-ý imen. as a