Othor Loens at Corr.spondi igly' Low Rates ,si71 Sherman Av*. Uni. 2600 Winhtka Ofc M8 Lincoin AVe. Winnetka 177 Chicago Officel1 1 N. Lasalle St. Centràl 0227 OILDB HEATING SERVICE Co* We Service A Il Makes 1929 byý 131.1 per'ëent. "Despite flutuations in general economic conditions," said H. C. Eigelberner, secretary of Doyen- muehie, Inc., "we have been pleased to find that the steady upward clinb' of our business volume has'no w 1on- tinued unbroken for six years. FRA Loan's Vital Fictor "A large percentage of our 1938 incirease. can be attributed- to a steady 'volume o! FHA boan busi- ness. While our reguilar, or con- ventional, mortgage.business is off slightly, in similar ratio with gen- eral mortgage *recordings of. con-, DAY AND NIQIIT T.frph;u: 4000 sible for this substantial gain. Based on Actual Purchases "The figures we have used in cbm-e paring our, percentage of gain with previous.-record .years, represent lbans that. we have actually pur- chased andrecorded duringthe re-: spective ýperiods.; We have. not takený into , account any future corn- ,mitmnents. "On the part o! insurance com- pany lenders ..today," ' Mr. Eigelber- ner concluded, "we note a.continued wiulingness1 to make large sumns o! money avallable. for individual homes and. soundly-planned apart- ment projects, as ,well as a reviving interest in retail store boans in the better outlying business sections, and a limited amount of money for profit-making industrial concerris. #?1Pesetft indict~aions are ta mortgage activity wiIl continue showing increases during the first haif of 1939. In our opinion, this will be particulariy true in the field of new construction, especially of smaller homes." Travel Service Off ers Lecture on januir y Î2 Mrs. Wakeman was born in Syca- more, Ill., and educated at Water- man Hall in that city and National Park Seminary in Washington, D. C. She was later a9sociated with her father in the real estate' business, three generations.of her family hav- ngbeen in that profession. Mrs. Wakeman has been a resi- dent and property owner -in Evans- ton for sixËteeni years and active in reniting .and ,selling .real, estate on the North Shôre for.'*the .past six yers She is *a, member of the Evnton-North Shore Real Estate board; and recently appoinited chair- man o! Women's Affairs. Mrs. Leone C. loun-fsbery o Wil- mette, formnerly with the Chicago Tribune, is ýnow a member o! the sales force in the Wminetka office. Attorney to TaIk At ilealty Diirner George F. Anderson. Chicago at- torney and noted authozrity on real estate law, will be the speaker at. the dinner business meeting of the Evanston-North Shore Real Estate board, 'next Monday everiing at the Shawnee Country club. The dinner wifl start at 6:30 o'clock. Mr. Anderson is the conductor o! the "Legal Question Box" column in the Magazine "Real .Estate." TWO MILLION DOLLARS WORTH 0F REAL ESTATE LOANS ON THE NORTH SHORE evenng, Januauy iz, a ëo' u c in the ballroom of the Georgian ho-N rhfed sFa es tel. A feature of the lecture -will otfedI Fa es be colored movies of South Africa. Go igN .Tw The public is cordially invited. rwn N.S Tov Northfield, according to informa-. JOINS BILLS REALTY tion furnished by Lewils T., Dodds, becom as-real estate broker, is growingfaster Howard -E. Larson has becthanaan sociated with the Evanston office of!, hnay other- village along the the Bills Realty, Ine., 510 Davis street orh hre Te pplto a startmng with the new year. Mr. a otduid n to yas Larsn'srealestteecpeaenccov Building permits for 1938 amount to $229,315, nearly ail were residential. FOU NTAIN SQUARE, EVANSTON Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Me m be t' Blodlgett.