t.uncheon Monday - Three speakers will present a programn, and- the officers and board for the new year will be introduced when the Mary Crane Nursery league has its annual luncheon- at Shawnee Çountryý club Monday at, 1. Miss Marjorie.Hubers, nursery su- perVisor ofthe -Counceilerof Social Agencies, Miss Charlotte Carr, head, resident of- Hulli House, and Miss Nina Kenagy, director of the Mary Crane Nursery school, Will give talks. Founders ýof the league are the late Jane Addamfs, and Miss Edna Dean Baker, Pre sident ofý the Na- tional College of Education. The league's honorary býoard has for members, Miss Baker, Mrs. Flo- rence Capron, Mrs. George Graves, Mrs. Harry Phillips, the late Miss Addaand ~rtélte ~Mrs. Aleowzo W. Peake, (Meredith Peake.> The officers. include Mrs. W. Van- dervoort Gathany, who continues as president; Mrs. Olive Bishop, first vice-president and b u d g e t chair- man; Mrs. S. W.. Storey, second vice- president and ways and rneans chair- man; Mrs. Harry Mason Smith, third vice-president and membership chair- mani; Mrs. Charles Ellis, secretary, and Year Book chairman; Mrs, Har- old Cunliff, treasurer, and finance clingman, reVisions; Mrs. R. H. Os- borne, purchasing; Miss Marjarie Williams, volunteer; Mrs. Robert Humphreys, rummage; Miss Clara, Belle Baker, educational advisor. Group chairmen are: Mrs. William. Haddad, Jane Addams group; Mrs. J. S. Strong, Myra Lane; Mrs An- boeWechselbergèr, Nina Kenagy; Mrs. Frank Bryan, KenilWorth, Mrs. A. J. Feigel,_Edna Dean Baker; Mrs. tea for uer LIUusoan s brothers and their fami] ,.a member of Ornega Be ÇlfoUljJ$cp tv1osetalks on world events have gained himi widespread recognition andl pop- ularity, w ill give an. up-to-the minute comment on international aiffairs' at. the next meeting of th e Neighbors of Kenilworth Tuesday afternoan, January 10. tion, Monday, January 9,1 at. 12:30. o'cýlock, at -a luncheon at.the Park Lane hotel, Sheridan. road and Surf. street, Chicago. The occasion is the -thirteenth birthday' celebration of the founding of ýthe chapter December. 31, 1925. MVrs, Israël C. Cape was the or- ganizing regent. The presentreg ent is Mrs. W. A. Nabars. After the lunchean, the, chapter Will.go to thé homne of Mrs. Jackson,1 524." Oakdale avenue, Chicago?, for the program which will, be gîven by1 the mnembers., To Read Priestly Play ~At N.. .Sisterhood Ann Birk Kuper resumnes her monthly play reading for the Sis- terhood of the North Shore Congre- gation Israel on Monday, January 9, at 2:15 in the laùnge of the temple. She will present -1 Have Been Here Before" by J. B. Priestley. The play now appearing in bath London and New Yark deals with one of the ever absorbing theories of time. It develops the idea that everything that has ever. happened is cries of book re- 'sLvu -- --u .hese reaIings are open ta, the On Japan, India The Womafl's Missionary so- ciety of the Wilmette Parish Methodist church will rneet. at ilo'clock in the -mrorning on January 12; with the cabinet. and group, leaders in executive ses-, Sion,.lwith *Mrs. Roy' S. Lundin presiding AÀ prayer circle under the di- rection 6f Mrs. Thomas West wil precede the afternoon pýrogram ai 1:'30:o'clock. Interesting high lights f recent lette rs received from. Miss Marion Thayer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Thayer, 1007 Greenwaad avenue, will be given. Miss Thayer, left in August, to join, th'e faculty o f the Womnan's seminary, Kwassin Jo Gakko, in Nagasaki, Jap)an. and her experiences and impressions of life inti ha~t mueh disesse4 country are said to be very worth whlle. MVrs. John F. Stewart, 1741 High- land avenue, whose book' reviews during recent months have been par- ticulr1y' outstanding, will present a fascinating studyof India. "Moving Millions" is the subject. A cordial invitation ta al wme of the church is given by the afficersý and members as plans for the com- ing rnonths are ta be discussed. The newly a p p o i n t e d group leaders whose names follow, are espeially requested ta be present: Mr. C. Rollin Smnith, chairmn;II Mrs. F. W. Burpçee Mrs. L. W. views sponsored by the NarthShfore ------it - - Friends of Chicago Junior, school publie at a nomfinal admission Jones, Mrs. L. H. Hanawalt, MV will be given Wednesday, January charge. Tea 'and a n informaI social L. F. Matson, M\rs. R. W. Mlitcb 11, at 10 oclock in the marning at haur fallow., Mrs. P. A. Nichai,, Mrs. H. E. P Shawnee Country club. onto, Mlrs. George Spiezgeihaur, c Mrs. Carl Johnsen of Winnetka will review "Such Sweet Compul- A eiwrhCu sion" by Geraldine Farrar. Tickets may be obtained from Mrs. The holiday events over, the Ken- Walter Neilson, 397 Sunset road', iwrt lub looks ahead ta its social Dla$m a oHv Winnetka. calendar for the remaînder of Jan-lluta dLe ur cap- on. oIf at the ay. and warc G., 'ge book auctions im L w York.