mette tonight, (Thursday), on his pjeCtLangan Wfls for quite *some time engaged at Fa- *ther Flanagan's Boys' home at Boys Town, Neb.,-the city of littie men re *cently. made more evident to .America. by. the. motion picture, "B3oys Town." Boysville is. more than just a dream, corne true. It is a very real façtory where boys .Lreprepared for mnanhood. ýFor several years. Cap- tain Langan has used the Off-the- Street-club, Chicago's oldest boys', club, as a laboratory for boy study and experimentation., Fromý this study it ha s been reali7ed tha t Boys- vrille has *a àreater task than that of attempting to work' with. the delin- quent boy.. It has the ear ned job-of harnessing the energy of boys, that they mnight be preservcd from delin- quency. It is about hîs work in Boys Town, which inspired him to prornote Boys- *ville. and the operatioil of the newliy- formed Boysvillé, that Captain Lan- gan will address the Juniors. For instance he will tell us about the small city that has been es- tablished by his boys. With a Boy *mayor and city council, fifty of the most intelligent boys in one of the most delinquent areas of Chicago., govern themselves in real city-like fashion. These boys, chosen from the poorest families, qualify as citi- zens of IBoysville,. because of their intelligence and their leadership *ability. Because 'of their training in the arts and crafts at Boysville, be-. cause of their behavior and conduct, because of the joy afforded thern as, members of thîs unique "Village in a. House, " they attract other boys away from crime and convince themi that good citizenship has its: rewards. Fifty happy boys are al- ready -attracting the next fifty. Each citizen of Boysville sponsors a junior. citizen. January-10 the Evening circle wilI be entertained at 8 o'clock ini the home~ of 1Urs. W. Edwards at 1140 Chatfield road, Hubbard Woods. January 12, the Children's circle* will-hold its' meeting with Mrs. H. J. Bredin at 2 o'clock in the .after-, noon at 2136 Thornwood avenue. January 19, the Social, circle will meet in thei home of Mrs. F. C.. Meves at 522 Eighth street ati o'clock. The Friendship circle Will have its next gathering at the homle of Mrs. PR. J. Labbe, 1015 Dewey -ave- nue, Evanston at 8 o'clock, on Jan- uary 16. On January 26, Mrs. Huida Lind- strom will tntertainf the.Linen circle in her home. 1534 Wilmette avenue, at 2. o'celock in the afternoon. A dinner -is being planned by' the Evening circl.e of St. John's Luth- eran church to be held Janiuary 12, at6:30 o'elock in the e.vexing. Miss Sylvia Ullrich, chairman, and -4er-.ýssis;tants will, bc in charge. Reservations are limited and can be made with Mrs. V. H. Suhr, 722 Twelfth, street, on or before January A programw-fll follow the dinner. Circle Meeting The Crescent circle of the First Congregational church is meeting Thursday of thtý- week at the home of Mrs. F. E. Parry, 622 Maple avenue. An 'ail-day session, the hour for' the meeting is. 11 o'clock, and luncheon will be served at noon. Ba ptist Boa rd Meeting The January board meeting of the Woman's society of the *Wilmetté, Baptist church occurs on Monday January, 9, at the home of, Mrs.: Ray D. Stephens,-2134 Chestnut ave- nue, at 1:30 o'clock. h .- -* il 912> SPANISH COURT I JA NUARY You will ind interesting groups of CHINI SEMW REULAMPS *and LEATHER offered at adiscount offrom 2eO0/t 0 0 For 2 Weeks Only . . . through -January 14... we offer 20% discount on practically al regular stock. This is the oppor- tunity of the year to fil in your open sets of china and glassware at desir- able savings. 1' END PERMANENTS................ FULL PERMANENTS .......... .......S30 Our usual fine service.will be used in giving these Permanents. WILMETTE 5060 CL EARAN:,CýE rO H E BLUE PARROT 1551 SHERMAN A VENUE E VA NSTON, ILLINOIS i p So Glamorous.. BLUM'S CRU ISE ANDý RESORI FASHIONS 709 SET ,