question to answer, and the infor- mation to be sought. out will ieed to be procured from., various sources . To com plete the survey they wiil be1 upon public officiais and per- sons famirîliar with local problerns. It'is the hope of the league that ail people, who are a pproached for information relative to the survey wiii lend their luliest Cooperation. After compietion of the work, the resuits wil be available to the. pub- lic at the pUb1ic iibrary in :type- written formI. Garden Clubý to Hearý present .a mixeci octet of voices in several selections. Mr. Palmner, as head of the mnusic school 'at Lakef Forest colle gye, is' well known i musical circles. Music loyers are- especially invited as well as al woefor the speaker foliowing, the musicale wili be :Dr. Charles 1 Boss, executive secretary of. the.1 World- Peace, commission of the, Methodist church. Norrtr,.ae Nofeç Mrs. Wil xvood aver NorthridgE evening, J Mrs.,Raymond Watts o ak1 on "Curre The Wilmette Garden club wili ol tee meet to hear Mrs. Raymond Watts, c wa botanist popular with its members, coa give a talk on "Rain and Sunshine in per. the Garden" rriday afternocon, Jan- uary 6, at 2 o'clock. The prograni_____ will take place at the home of Miss Ida Nourse, 1137 Greenwood avenue, hostesses. Wilmnette, with Miss Clara Nourse called for* and,-Miss Sally Vernon the 'assisting ,place. iiliamn Hughes, 1917 Green-1 nue. wviiI beý hostéss ,to thé, ?e Woman's club Monday ranua ry 9, at an .8 o'clo ck The program wiil consist by Mrs. Gertrude Lieb7er- ent Events."! Co-hostesses vening, wiii be Mrs. J. A. iand Mrs. Philip H. Kemn- A meeting of the board is l: 30 o'ciock at the. samne corne in and get acquainted with Mhis great savings event. You'll find famous Bradley dresses.. in styles and shades perfect f or now and early spring. AndtMe frocks.are fresh and new! .A t savings ap to one-hlaf! DRESSES, formerly up -to $35.001 DRASTICALLY -REDU CED to. $8,095 0 $'13.95 m $ 15.95 uwm~v~~ 704 Church St., Sportswear, Evanston 0-4~ep 4 Sa l at &oeepi4 Vaues ~95, tc 10.75 1629 Orriny>toný..,4ue. on. Values to 14.75 .Sîred .S.Lop Sale also -at JO$p SoSansOaPark, No.,rth,Michigan, and the South Shore ini Chic'ag(O al«20 2ba i Sem, t-.annuatsale sýop,4