Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jan 1939, p. 34

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Club and. Religious Leaders toPay Tribute to 81 st Birfhd ay of Jew-j ish Counil Fou nder Prominent clubà womnen and re- ligious leaders of the Chicago dis- trict and membersof the National, Council of Jewish.Womnen, Chi-,j cago section,. will gather .onMon- day, January 9, at 12, o'clock at the -Standard club. 320 Plymouth court, Chicago, to pay tribute to Mrs.>.Hannah G. Solomon, pioneer* Chicago. club, woman, civie leader, and founder of the National couh- cil of Jéwish Womfen, on the occa- sion of her eighty-first birthday. Mrs. Frank Hixon, legislative chairman of the Illinois League of Women Voters, will be the principal speaer.e#, Lb.wiU speak on "Won- > en's Influence in a Changing Wold." Other guest speakers will be Mrs. George G., Bogert. president of the Illinois League cf Women Voters: Mrs. William T. Bruckner, president. of the Illinois Federation of Wom- en's Clubs; Mrs. Andrew MacLeish, chairman of the woman's division of the Chicago Round Table of Jews and Chisians; Mrs. Uarry M. Mul- berry, president of the Illinois Con- gress of Parents and Teachers;. Mrs. of the Wilmette I..eague o voe Voters will. conduct a study group. The first meeting will bec'heid Mon- *.day, Janua ry 16, at 9:30 o'clock at. *the home -of Mrs. C. S. Coates, 1730 *Washingt on avenue., chairman of thé department. :Mrs. C. William Reiley and .Mr's. A. -D, Albee will. discuss the field trip to Hull House. Plans for- the trip to th e Ju.venile c eourt *and the Detention omiil e an- nounced. and topicsý for study assign- ed. Ail league merombers,interestedc are-urged to attend. Capt. Lawrence Louis Langart, originator of Chicago's Boysvf lle. ~wil.telU m.ewbers oaf fie Mjunior auxilicLry of the Womctn's Club of Wilmette, of his "ver y reat fac- tory where boys are pte paTeci for' manhood" His talk will be giv.en -this evening (Thursday) follow- ing, the regular dlinner hour at 6:45 'cIock. Mis. Faxon, to Resumeý at Club At Catholic. Club The. Ca tholiec Action group of the Woman's> Cathôlîc Club 'of Wilmette had a holiday party on D)ecember 27. which *was a pronounced success balth' financially and socially. A tree and' poinsettias were evidénces of the holiday season. On the re- freshment table a beautiful center- piece of white chrysanthemums wvas offset w,ýith white cellophane candle- sticks and twc cakes, one an ?nni- versary cake. one a bîrthday cake. 1Monday, January 9, at 1 o'clocýk,. at the home of 'Mrs. Roy *E..Joncs. 309 Greenleaf avenue, witb Miss Gen- evieve Lagen and Mrs. John Flynn the co-bostesses. the group will meet. Up - to - the,- Minute Discussion on World Events to Be Presented by Aul'horty Clifton Utley will speak on, "Current. International Affairs." at the January 10 meeting of Theý Neqighbors of Kenilworth., This' announcemnent will. probably Rhll the Kenilworth Assembly hall long before the scheduled hour of 2:30. The commîittee has decided that, owing to..the -interest .Mr., Utle .'s lectures carry. non-memibers of the club maybe admitted upon payment, of a small fee., Through his numerous Chicago af-. filiations, Mr.' Utley is especially wvell known to the North Shore frorn whence hie draws mapy among his enthusiastic, audiences. Director of The CouniR on Foreign Relations, which position he has held since 1931, Mr. Utley is prominent also in radio work, broadcasting at least. once a week.ý He participated. for somne timie in the Universityof Chi- cago, Round Table. But it is interesting to knowv also that ýMr. Utley gÉàdIuated from the University of Chicago in 1926 and. then took intensive. graduate work in eah of the following colleges.: the. University of Qeneva, the Uni- versity of' Algiers, of Mun ich, the Mrs. Sylvester Schiele, president. of the Chicago Church Federation;l and Mrs. Phillip Yavitz, president of the Women's League of the United Syn- agogues of America. Mrs. Solomon, vigorous and youth- fui despite ber years; will respond briefiy to the tributes paid ber. She wilI descnibe ber early experiences in -club work as a charter member of the Chicago Woman's club, and Tnornirtg book reviews ueuing 5vV1L by Mrs. Lloyd Faxon at the Womn- an's Club of Wilmette on alternate Fnida.y i'ornings. Mrs. William A. Richardson, who is in charge of the course for the ways and means committee of the club, bas the books of tickets for -the 'course of five lectures read'. and they mnay be secured by tèle- phoning ber or by purcbasing them at the next book review Friday, Jan- uary 13, at 10 o'clock in the. morn- ine., At that firne Mrs. Faxon will liant bookc reviews. £V.rs, George Steele. as chairman of the Civics, and Catbolic Action group, will con- duct a symposium on "Peace." The meeting will conclude with a* social. haîf bour. Mrs. Steele announces that the firstý book. received from the Catholie- Book of the Month club.. is "Louis XIV,"-by' Hilare B3elloc. A synopsis of it will bc given. Mrs. Oelenicb, chairman of the Sanctuary commnittee, announces that Mrs. P. J. Joyce, chairman of phil- anthropv. will turn alh proce.eds from of Foreign Notes. SMr* Utley bas been in Europe many times. His most recent tnip was completed in September, 1938. so that be has a splendid backgroiîund for the rapidly increasing' events :of importance' since that. time.r Per- haps5 theré is no one in this part of the country better equipped wiih in- formfation on foreîgn aff airs. Certain. it is the Neigbbors will not have another sucb opportunity this year to hear the foreign situation so an- of San Shc Nation- bol( i; Mrs. TUE [dent of of : . ý ý Lin Readiîng Circle Hostess The. Reading circle will meet with Mrs. Frank J. Scheidenhelm at her home, 804 Forest avenue,' Monday, January 9, at 1 o'clock. 1sectiç

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